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毕业设计(论文) 外文翻译 译文题目: 国内医疗仪器的现状和存在的问题 学生姓名: 刘合仁 学 号: 090921017 专 业: 生物医学工程 方 向: 医疗仪器 指导教师: 张俭 2013年3月8日 Present status and problems of domestic medical instrument engineering. Biomedical Engineehng V. A. Viktorov, V. P. Gundarov, and A. P. Yurkevich UDC 615.47:681.2(470):008 In recent years considerable progress has been achieved in domestic medical instrument engineering. Many plants and scientific-research organizations of machine-making and the defense industry have changed their profile toward production of medical equipment. However, medical equipment often meets a reluctant market because of funding cuts in health services. Medical organizations often cannot satisfy even their basic requirements for diagnostic and therapeutic devices. Also, health service organizations tend to buy foreign rather than domestic medical equipment because the former are easily available on the domestic market and prices for both are comparable because of inflation. The transition to a market economy in Russia has had substantial impact on the relations between domestic manufactur- ers and consumers of medical devices. The spectrum and quality of available items has been significantly extended in recent years. It should be also noted that available models of medical devices are continuously updated, which makes them sufficiently competitive. Representative information on the updating dynamics of domestic medical equipment is summarized in Table 1. The data were provided by the VNIIMP-VITA Joint-Stock Company, which compiles a data bank of such information. Generally, new items account for 37% of total production of medical devices. Routinely produced devices (duration of production, 2-5 years) account for 28%. Medical devices of long-term production (5-10 years) account for 17% and obsolete nomenclature (devices produced for more than 10 years) accounts for 18%. It is seen from Table 1 that in recent years there has been


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