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解析电影《肖申克的救赎》的救赎 The Interpretation of Redemption in The Shawshank Redemption 解析电影《肖申克的救赎》的救赎 英语专业汪丽(069124342)指导教师刘爱萍教授 摘 要:《肖申克的救赎》是电影史上最令人震撼的电影之一。根据史蒂芬?金的同名小说改 编的电影《肖申克的救赎》也许只是个寓言而已,但事实上它就存在于我们的现实生活中。现实生 活中的每一个人,都在自觉不自觉的扮演着肖申克中囚徒或者狱方的角色,终其一生不曾越规逾矩。 然而救赎却在于我们自己的选择。再强大的体制也永远无法剥夺我们选择救赎的权利,选择救赎还 是选择绝望,选择英雄还是选择大众,选择上帝还是选择撒旦,这一切都在你我心中。 故事与其说讲述的是主人公安迪成功越狱、重获自由,倒不如说是安迪从灵魂到肉体获得拯救 的过程。与此同时,这部电影所表现的深刻的宗教、社会和人生哲理是该片受到赞扬的最重要的原 因,也就是说这部片子触及了人类灵魂最深处的东西,它反思的是一个关于体制化与反体制化、希 望与绝望、灵魂救赎的深刻的主题。本论文即是针对救赎这一主题进行深入分析。 关键词:安迪体制化希望 Abstract:The Shawshank Redemption is one of the most exciting and heartshaking films. Adapted from the book of the same title written by Stephen Edwin King, the story seems like a fable, but actually it does exist in the real world. Every one of us is playing the role of prisoner or jailer in Shawshank (name of the prison), never will we break the rule of the society. While deep inside our heart, it is still our choice to redeem. However strong the framework is, it can never deprive us of our right to choose the way we want--redemption or desperation. To be God or to be Satan, the result is within ourselves. The story is on the process of Andy, the hero of the film, to be saved both physically and mentally during prison rather than the process of his prison break. Meanwhile, the religion, society and philosophy of life reflected by the film highlight the theme and move the audience deeply. To put it in other words, this film touches the bottom of the human heart, it’s a reflection on institutionalize and anti-institutionalize, hope and desperation, redemption of soul. This paper is an analysis of redemption thoroughly. Key words: Andy, Institutionalize, hope, redemption 1 Introduction The film The Shawshank Redemption, adapted from the novel of the same title written by Stephen King, left a deep impression on millions of the audience. Directly from the title, we get to know this movie is about some kind of


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