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承接产业转移与马鞍山市外贸发展研究 国际经济与贸易专业宋雯琪(069114020)指导教师:刘立平教授 摘 要:近年来,马鞍山市对外贸易发展在省内一直占据和保持领先地位,外贸规模 在 2009年之前保持了良好的增长形势,2009年由于金融危机的影响有一定的下降;同时, 外贸结构的调整也有了明显的效果,吸引外资的能力有所提升。 2010年 1月 12日,国务院正式批复《皖江城市带承接产业转移示范区规划》,《规划》 获批标志着皖江城市带承接产业转移示范区建设上升为国家战略层面,这是新中国成立以 来我省第一个上升为国家战略层面的区域发展规划,也是党中央、国务院为促进中西部地 区承接产业转移而制定的第一个规划,将为安徽省省发展带来重大历史机遇。作为在皖江 城市带发展的“老龙头”,马鞍山市的经贸发展也将受到重大影响。 本文正是在前人研究的基础上对承接产业转移与马鞍山市外贸发展进行进一步的研究 和探讨,文章主要介绍了承接产业转移及马鞍山市外贸发展的现状和趋势,分析了承接产 业转移对马鞍山市外贸发展的积极影响,探讨和总结了马鞍山市在承接产业转移方面的主 要优势与劣势,最后就马鞍山市如何做好承接产业转移问题提出了一系列对策与措施方面 的意见或建议。 关键词:马鞍山市;外贸发展;承接产业转移;政策措施 Abstract:In recent years, Maanshan Citys foreign trade development in the province had been occupied and stayed ahead. The scale of foreign trade before 2009 have maintained a good growth situation, while in 2009 it met a certain decline since the impact of the financial crisis; at the same time, adjustment of foreign trade structure have a significant effect, the ability to attract foreign investment has improved. January 12, 2010, the State Council officially approved by the Plan of Wanjiang City Belt as a demonstration area to relocate industries , the approved of plan marks the Wanjiang City Belt as a demonstration area to relocate industries was rise for the national strategy. It is the first province-level regional development planning rise for the national strategy since the founding of PRC, is also the CPC Central Committee and State Council’s first plan to promote the transfer of central and western regions to develop industry, the development will bring about significant historical opportunity in Anhui province, As the old dragon head in the Wanjiang City Belt development, Maanshan’ Economic development will be significantly affected. This article is based on previous research on industries to relocate to foreign trade development with the Ma On Shan City, further research and discussion, the article introduces and industries to relocate to foreign trade d


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