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2.从外观看,它犹如树枝搭建的鸟巢,这就解释了这个名字的由来。 ?Seen from the outside, it resembles a real bird nest made of branches, which explains where its name came from. ?When it is seen from the outside, it resembles a real bird nest made of branches, which explains where its name came from. 第三步 串句成文,保证流畅 The Birds Nest, the national stadium, is located in the north of Beijing, with an area of 258,000 square meters, able to hold more than 90,000 audience members. Started in December 2003 and completed in 2008, it was used for track and field events and football matches during the Beijing Olympic Games. After that it will be used to hold all kinds of grand activities. Seen from the outside, it resembles a real bird nest made of branches, which explains where its name came from. No wonder experts regard it as an incredible symbol for Olympic history. 最近某教科院对15000名高中生的课外阅读情况作了一次调查。请根据下图提示的信息,用英语写一篇100~120词的短文,介绍调查情况。 注意:1.短文必须包括调查对象、调查问题及调查结果。 2.参考词汇:课外读物 collateral reading 漫画书 comic  学习参考书learning reference book ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 参考范文: As the saying goes “Reading makes one full; writing makes one accurate”, reading good books is one of the greatest pleasures in life, for it can make people knowledgeable and smart. Recently a survey has been done to find out what books are senior middle school students favorite collateral readings. 15,000 middle school students took part in the survey. According to the survey, forty-six percent of the students who took part, like reading popular science books and science fiction best. Twenty-seven percent of the students say that comic books are their favorite and sixteen percent of the students say they read learning reference books in their spare time. Only eleven percent of them are more interested in famous works and


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