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分布式广域差分GPS实时定位系统* 陈俊勇 刘经南 张燕平 胡建国 葛茂荣 (国家测绘局,北京,100830) ON DISTRIBUTED WIDE AREA DIFFERENTIAL GPS REAL TIME KINEMATIC POSITIONING SYSTEM Chen Junyong,Liu Jingnan, Zhang Yanping, Hu Jianguo, Ge Maorong (National Bureau of Surveying and Mapping, Beijing,100830) Abstract A technology of “Distributed Wide Area Differential GPS (D- WADGPS)”is suggested and described in the paper in order to solve the so called “key difficult problem”, i. e. the telecommunication chain in the WADGPS. http;//测绘信息网   D-WADGPS is base on the techniques and corresponding software for the computation of prediction precise ephemerides of GPS satellites and their clock biases according to the data collected at the permanent tracking stations in China. After the practical test, it is demonstrated that with the D-WADGPS technology the accuracy for the real time kinematic positioning at a moving GPS receiver is around 1~3 meters within a distance of more than 1 500 km.   The behaviors for the technology are to set up some regional GPS fiducial station in the operational area. The main tasks of these stations are to compute and transmit GPS satellite clock biases and ionosphere corrections by using the prediction precise ephemerides. Then it can obviously reduce the frequency and the need of the real time computation of the main station, and the telecommunication between the main station and tracking stations as comparison with the tradition WADGPS. Therefore D-WADGPS technology is suitable http;//测绘信息网 for a developing country like China. Keywords GPS,Real time positioning, Wide area differential GPS 摘 要 针对普通广域差分GPS实时定位系统中对数据通讯链的高要求,提出分布式广域差分GPS实时定位系统,解决了预报精密星历、外推卫星相对钟差等技术难点。经过对该系统的中试实践,证明该系统对改善GPS实时定位精度是有保障的。该系统的特点是降低数据通讯链工作频度和实时性的要求,并通过增设区域性差分基准站来计算卫星相对钟误差和电离层改正,以减少主控站的计算工作量。http;//测绘信息网 关键词 全球定位系统 实时定位 广域差分GPS 分类号 P228.4 http;//测绘信息网 1 前言   全球定位系统(GPS)受美国AS和SA政策影响,导致我国GPS用户实时定位精度降低到100m 左右。美国政府虽于1996年初曾宣布在今后十年内考虑分阶段停止SA[1],但即使停止SA政 策的实施,GPS实时定位精度也难于高过±15 m~30 m。因此,从目前和今后的需要考虑,建 立和发展


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