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(20_ _届) 本科毕业设计 基于无线通信的点菜系统软件设计 摘 要 近些年来,随着人民生活水平的提高生活方式的转变,餐饮业具有巨大的投资市场,被称为中国的黄金产业。 Order Dishes System Software Design Based On Wireless Communication Abstract In recent years, with the improvement of people’s living standards and lifestyle changes, the restaurant industry which was known as one of China’s gold industry has a huge market. Catering information service system created in such a background, this system used a computer to manage the restaurant industry in the order dishes, cash registers, cost accounting, and realized the mechanism of modern dining information service. In this article, using an example such as a development of order dishes system, started from development of catering information service system, proposed the system structure and function module based on the actual need of users. Then through the system design and front-end development, built an order dishes system with the relevant features (bill printing, order dishes, cash register, information query, statistical analysis) based on Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 and Access database technology. In the realization method, using the Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 realized the connection between system and database, realized the user login and administrator login feature by encryption and decryption mechanism, realizing the founding, order, settlement, and variety of search functions in the catering industry through Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0. Keywords: Wireless Communication, Order Dishes, Software Design, VB6.0, Access Database. 目录 摘 要 III Abstract IV 1 绪论 1 1.1课题的来源 1 1.2课题的意义 1 1.3课题研究的主要内容 2 2需求分析与功能描述 3 2.1可行性分析 3 2.2总体设计框图 4 2.3系统功能描述 4 3开发环境简介 6 3.1 VB6.0简介 6 3.2 ACCSEE数据库简介 6 3.3 串口通信 6 4数据描述 8 4.1 数据流图 8 4.2 数据词典 9 5详细设计 11 5.1数据库设计 11 5.2主要界面设计 13 6系统测试 34 6.1 测试环境 34 6.2 测试过程 34 6.3 测试结果 34 结论 35 参考文献 36 致谢 37 1 绪论 1.1课题的来源 餐饮业是我国比较传统、涉及面比较广的行业之一,也是第三产业中的主体行业,在国民经济中占有重要位置。现在,包括网络技术在内的信息技术在我国各行各业应用已经非常普遍,而在餐饮业的应用却得不到较好的推广,突出表现在两方面,一是餐饮业信息服务系统的设计水平偏低,另一个是餐饮业中信息服务系统的应用和普及率较低,很大程度上限



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