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低频电磁振动系统[摘要]随着科技的进步和生产的发展,不断出现的新材料以及对这些新材料的加工和人们的行为模式的改变使得对各种材料物件的加工有了新的要求,许多由坚硬而又难加工的材料制成的、具有精密公差尺寸和地表面粗糙度的复杂零件的加工,如对一些新的加工切削、陶瓷器件的加工、高精度的航天航空材料的加工。这些不同于传统中的对铜,铁金属材料的加工对普通的加工中心提出的很高的难度【1】。通过电磁驱动利用一定频率的交流电与磁性材料的组合将电能转化的机械能:在部件上产生力矩,其往复变化的力矩的激振作用下,产生扭振。当激励力矩的频率与部件系统的固有频率相同或相接近时就会产生共振,通过共振的作用将扭振系统一端的力矩产生的微小振动传递给另一端刀具使其有一个较大的扭振输出,从而改变原来的加工中心刀具的切削性能。【2】本课题重点对低频扭振系统的以下方面进行研究:(1)电磁驱动扭振系统方案的确定;(2)高频扭振系统各部分的选材;(3扭振系统的输出特性的计算;(4)扭振系统的计算与仿真验证;(5)扭振系统与BT40机床主轴的集成。[关键词]扭振系统;低频扭振; 电磁驱动;Low frequency electromagnetic vibration system[abstract]With the development of technology and the production of new materials emerging and changing of these new materials processing and behavioral patterns of people working on a variety of materials makes the object with the new requirements, but many of the difficult working hard material, with precision machining tolerances and the surface roughness of complex parts, such as some new chemical materials machining;Precision machining aerospace materials; machining ceramic devices. These very different from the traditional difficulty of copper, ferrous metals processing for general machining center made??.Driven by the use of certain frequency electromagnetic and magnetic alternating combination of the electrical energy into mechanical energy: the torque produced on the component, its role in the next exciting moment of change back and forth, generating torsional vibration. When the same natural frequency of small vibration frequency of the excitation torque component of the system or will be close to the resonance, the effect of the resonance system of the end of the torque generated by the vibration transmitted to the other end of the tool to have a large torsional vibration output, thus changing the original machining center cutting tools.This paper focuses on the following aspects of the low-frequency torsional vibration systems research: to determine (1) the electromagnetic drive system torsional vibration programs; selection of each part (2


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