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网络招聘中存在的问题及对策 摘 要 随着中国改革开放的深入,中国经济迎来了一个快速发展的时期,各类企业如雨后春笋般的建立起来,越来越多的企业开始关注如何从社会上找到需要的人才来给企业注入活力。随着互联网的迅速发展,网络招聘很快被应用到企业人力资源管理当中,并成为企业招贤纳士的重要方法。与报纸、电视、杂志广告、委托职业中介推荐以及人才见面会等传统的招聘方法相比,网络招聘所呈现出来的优势日渐明显,正被越来越多的企业采用。但是随之而来网络招聘衍生出很多的问题,最大的问题就是信息的失真。一方面是应聘者信息的失真,另一方面是招聘单位信息的失真。其次还存在信息量大,筛选麻烦成功率低、缺乏直观交流、技术和服务体系不完善等问题,这都是招聘者及应聘者带来很多的苦恼。虽然出现了很多问题但是不能动摇网络招聘在未来招聘方式中的重要地位,本文针对这些问题提出了一些对策,如加强对网络诚信的监管和制度的建立、进行技术革新及服务推广、选择信誉好的专业招聘网站、充分利用公司网站、提供安全全方位的服务等。只有解决了这些问题,才能使得网络招聘在一个健康、稳定、有序的环境中成长起来,更好的服务于大众。 关键词:网络招聘,现状,问题,对策 Problems and Countermeasures of the network of recruitment Abstract With the deepening of China's reform and opening up, China's economy ushered in a period of rapid development, all kinds of enterprises have mushroomed up, more and more enterprises begin to pay close attention to how to find needed talents from the society to give enterprise infuse vigor. With the rapid development of Internet, network recruitment soon be applied to the enterprise human resources management, and become important business, recruiting methods. With newspapers, television, magazine ads, entrust a professional intermediary recommendations and talent meeting, compared to traditional recruitment methods, such as network recruitment advantages presented by the increasingly obvious, is being more and more enterprises to adopt. But the resulting network recruiting derived a lot of problems, one of the biggest problems is the distortion of information. Is the applicant information distortion, on the other hand, was recruitment unit of information distortion. Secondly there are large amount of information, screening trouble success rate is low, lack of visual communication, technology and service system is not perfect, this is all recruiters and applicants bring a lot of trouble. Although there are many problems but can't shake the important position of network recruitment recruitment methods


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