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《蝇王》的现代性启示 ——人性的自赎 摘 要 英国当代作家威廉·戈尔丁的小说《蝇王》是一部探索人性的哲理性小说。戈尔丁通过自己的作品揭示人性中邪恶的一面,帮助人类面对自己心灵深处的黑暗,作为其代表作,《蝇王》正是在这种思想指导下创作而成。本文通过剖析文本中三个典型人物的悲剧命运,反映出一个现存的社会问题——青少年犯罪。然后,本文从社会环境和青少年自身素质两方面去追溯造成文明社会中这一现象的根源,引申出遏制其蔓延的必要性。进一步提出了预防和解决青少年犯罪问题的具体措施,从而探讨了青少年犯罪的遏制如何体现人性的自赎。通过阐述人性的自赎揭示其对人类自身发展和社会进步具有的现代意义。 关键词:《蝇王》;悲剧命运;青少年犯罪;人性的自赎 Abstract Lord of the Flies by the English contemporary writer William Golding is a philosophical novel about human nature. It is Golding抯 masterpiece created undeor his decision to help human beings face the darkness of their hearts by revealing the evil side of human nature in his work. This paper begins with an analysis of the tragic fate of three typical characters in the text, and then talks about an existing social problem梛uvenile delinquency. Next, the causes of such probolem in civilized society are found in a complex of psychological and social factors, and the necessity to control its pervasion is to be emphasized as well. The following part is to be the concrete measures put forward by the author to prevent and solve the problem of juvenile delinquency. Last, this paper talks about how the restraint of juvenile delinquency embodies human抯 self- salvation, and then the modernity significance of humanity self-salvation on human抯 development and social civilization brings -this paper to an end. Key words:tragic fate; juvenile delinquency; humanity self-salvation Contents 摘 要 I Abstract II 1. Introduction 1 2. The Tragic Vein of Lord of the Flies 1 2.1 Analysis of Simon 1 2.2 Piggy’s Tragedy 2 2.3 Dialectical Tragedy of Jack 3 2.4 The Conflict between Civilization and Savagery 3 3. Factors Attributed to the Tragedy— Juvenile Delinquency 4 3.1 Blame of the Society 4 3.1.1 Influence of the War 4 3.1.2 Poor Juvenile Justice System 5 3.1.3 Family Environment and Education 5 3.2 Psychological Problems of Adolescents 6


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