2010-2015学年高中英语 Unit 5 Period Three Using Language同步精品学案 新人教版必修1.DOCVIP

2010-2015学年高中英语 Unit 5 Period Three Using Language同步精品学案 新人教版必修1.DOC

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Period Three Using Language 1 拓展归纳 escape+n./doing避免,逃避 escape from+n.从……中逃出 make one’s escape逃跑 have a narrow/near escape九死一生 a fire escape消防通道 He escaped from prison this morning. 他今天早上从监狱逃跑了。 She managed to escape from the burning car. 她终于从燃烧的汽车里逃了出来。 Her name escaped me. 我记不起她的名字了。 The matter has quite escaped my memory. 这件事我完全记不得了。 完成句子 (1)有什么地方漏气了。 The air is escaping somewhere. (2)他逃脱了惩罚。 He escaped_being punished. (3)他们逃避了许多困难。 They escaped many difficulties. (4)一定是漏煤气了。 There must be an_escape_of gas. 2 拓展归纳 educate oneself自学,自修 be educated at/in a college受过大学教育,上大学 educate one’s taste in music培养音乐兴趣 I was educated for the law.我攻读法律。 完成句子 (1)The children are_educated(受教育)in England. 翻译句子 (2)教育者必须自己先受教育。 An_educator_must_first_educate_himself. 3 拓展归纳 beg sb.to do sth.乞求(某人)做某事 beg sb.for sth.向某人要某东西 I beg your pardon. (1)(因为自己的过失)请原谅。 (2)(读升调)请再说一遍。 beg leave to do sth.请求准许做…… beg the question令人置疑 beg off推辞(已答应做的事);反悔 完成句子 (1)那些孩子要求和我们一起来。 The children begged_to_come with us. (2)她乞求、取悦他们直到最后他们同意了。 She begged and pleaded with them until they finally agreed. (3)她跑到最近的人家请求帮助。 She ran to the nearest house and begged_for_help. 4 拓展归纳 lose one’s heart(to sb.)倾心于(某人) have sth. at heart把某事牢记在心 have one’s heart in sth.对某事有兴趣 set one’s heart on/upon sth.渴望/热衷于某事 take heart振作精神;鼓起勇气 put one’s heart into sth.全神贯注于某事 Though he failed many times, he didn’t lose heart. 尽管失败了多次,但他并没有丧失信心。 We mustn’t lose heart when people complain. 有人抱怨时,我们一定不要丧失信心。 用heart的适当短语填空 (1)She’s learnt the whole speech off by_heart. (2)They threw themselves heart_and_soul into the project. (3)I hope with_all_my_heart that things worked out for you. 5 拓展归纳 within one’s power (某人)力所能及的 beyond/out of one’s power (某人)力所不及的 be in power执政,掌权 return to power重新执政 get into power上台 take/seize power夺取政权 lose power下台;失去权力 翻译句子 (1)这个政党已经执政两年了。 The_present_party_has_been_in_power_for_two_years. (2)你决不能忽视父母对孩子的影响力。 You_can’t_ignore_the_parents’_power_to_their_child. (3)他的父亲是这个城市里的有权之人。 His_father_is_a_power_of_



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