牟定安益地区超贫磁铁矿产出特征 Characteristics of Ultra-poor Magnetite Deposits in Anyi Area of Mouding County.pdf
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2013 6 Jun. 2013
34 1: 122-126 Acta Geoscientica Sinica Vol.34 Supp.1: 122-126
, , ,
, 675000
摘 要: ,
关键词: -; ;
中图分类号: P536; P618.2 文献标志码: A doi: 10.3975/cagsb.2013.s1.18
Characteristics of Ultra-poor Magnetite Deposits in Anyi Area of
Mouding County
YANG Zong-liang, ZHANG Zheng-qing, LI Shi-ying, DONG Shi-wei
Chuxiong Exploration Institute, Yunnan Nonferrous Metals Geological Bureau, chuxiong, yunnan 675000
Abstract: In Anyi area of Mouding County, Proterozoic metamorphic strata of Longchuan Group and
basic-ultrabic intrusive bodies that invaded into the strata are extensively distributed, Recently, two kinds of
mineralization types were discovered, which are ultra-poor magnetite in 3rd member greenschist of the Lugumu
Formation and Pt-, Bd-bearing ultra-poor magnetite in ultrabasic-basic intrusive bodies. It is thus held that there
exists the prospect in search for ultra-poor magnetite deposits in this area.
Key words: volcanic sedimentary-metamorphic type lean magnetite; magmatic liquation type Pt-, Pd-bearing lean
magnetite; Anyi area in Mouding County
, () ( 3), , (
( ) Fe-Cu-Pb-Zn-Ag-Pt-Pd- , 1986),
1 区内铁矿化类型
( 9), Cu-Fe-Pb-Zn-Ag-An-
Pt-Pd-Ni-Ti-REE-( 1)( :
, 1965; , 1982;
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