用于高光谱图像分类的归一化光谱指数的构建与应用 Development and application of normalized spectral index based on hyperspectral imagery classification.pdf
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第 卷第 期 年 月
43 2 红外与激光工程 2014 2
Vol.43 No.2 Infrared and Laser Engineering Feb.2014
Development and application of normalized spectral index based on
hyperspectral imagery classification
Zhang Dongyan1,2, Zhao Jinling1,2, Huang Linsheng1,2, Ma Wenqiu2
(1. Key Laboratory of Intelligent Computing Signal Processing, Ministry of Education, Hefei 230039, China;
2. Beijing Research Center for Information Technology in Agriculture, Beijing 100097, China)
Abstract: Near-ground imaging spectroscopy applied in field provides new opportunity for development of
quantitative remote sensing in agriculture. It deserves concern about how to exert its data advantage of
integrating image and spectra into one, particularly in analyzing the influence of background targets, such as
soil, shadow on crop nutrient inversion model. In this research, imaging cubes of wheat group in the field
were collected by visible/near-infrared imaging spectrometer (VNIS). A normalized spectral index was set
up according to reflectance characteristics of illuminated soil, shadow soil, illuminated leaf and shadow leaf
in the image. Furthermore, the index was used to extract spectra of different targets in soybean images and
analyze the variation of determination coefficient R2 between normalized spectra of soybean group and
chlorophyll density before and after removing background soil. The results showed that when spectra of soil
and shadow leaf
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