人教版新课标一轮复习教材知识梳理核查课件:必修三 Unit 1 Festivals around the world课件.ppt

人教版新课标一轮复习教材知识梳理核查课件:必修三 Unit 1 Festivals around the world课件.ppt

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* 必修三 Unit 1 Festivals around the world 1.starve 2.gain 3.award vi.& vt.(使)饿死;饿得要死 vt.获得;得到 n.奖;奖品 vt.授予;判定 4.admire 5.custom vt.赞美;钦佩;羡慕 n.习惯;风俗 6.fool 事;开玩笑 n.愚人;白痴;受骗者 vt.愚弄;欺骗 vi.干傻 adj.傻的 7.obvious adj.明显的;显而易见的 8.forgive vt.原谅;饶恕 1.starve vi.& vt.(使)饿死;饿得要死 例句 I would rather starve than beg. 我宁愿饿死也不乞讨。 They tried to starve him into submission. 他们试图用饥饿来使他屈服。 派生 搭配 starvation n.饥饿 starve for 渴望;盼望 starve to do 渴望做…… be starved of 急需,迫切需要,渴望;没有,缺乏 starve to death/be starved to death 饿死 运用 完成句子 (1)我们渴望得到刘先生的消息,但是一切都晚了。 We _______________________news about Mr.Liu, but it was all late. (2)发动机没有油了,启动不了。 The engine _____________petrol and wouldn't start. (3)甚至在今天你能想象非洲的一些儿童饿死吗? Even today can you imagine some children in Africa are ______________? (4)晚饭什么时候做好?我快饿死了。 When will the dinner be ready? I__________. starved for/were starved of was starved of starved to death am starving 2.award n.奖;奖品 vt.授予;判定 例句 Father often shows us the athletics awards he has won. 父亲经常给我们看他获得的体育运动奖。 She was awarded the first prize.她被授予一等奖。 搭配 award sth.to sb./award sb.sth.(for sth.) (因为某个原因) 给予或授予某人某物/判定或颁发某物给某人 运用 用 award 相关短语的适当形式填空 (1)The school________ Mary a prize ____ her good work. (2)He ____________ the gold medal ___ being the fastest runner. (3)The judge________ a large sum of money __ those hurt by the fire. awarded for was awarded awarded for to 3.admire vt.赞美;钦佩;羡慕 例句 I admire and respect you more than I can say. 我对你的钦佩及尊敬无法用语言形容。 派生 搭配 人或物 运用 admirable adj.值得赞扬的;令人钦佩的 admire sb./sth.(for sth.) (因某事物)赞赏/钦佩/羡慕某 完成句子 (1)我因你的诚实而钦佩你。 I_____________ your honesty. (2)到纽约来观光的人对那些高层建筑物都赞叹不已。 The visitors to New York City all_____________________. (3)几乎每一个人都羡慕他的才华。 There are very few but________________. admire you for admired the tall buildings admire his talents 用本单元所学单词及用法完成下列句子 1.他在考试中得了满分。 He________________ in the examination. 2.她获得了去哈佛大学读书的奖学金。 She has been __________________to study at Ha


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