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题 目: 大学生信用卡营销策略研究 ——以招商银行Young卡为例 院系名称: 专业班级: 学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师: 教师职称: 摘 要 目前,随着中国零售金融市场逐渐对外开放,中国的银行业面临着日益严峻的挑战。面对中国信用卡市场开放趋势的加速和外资金融机构的潜在竞争,国内主要商业银行纷纷加大在信用卡业务上的投入。各商业银行重新细分市场,推出大学生信用卡。寻找新的利润增长点的策略选择和相应的营销策略。 本文从目前国内的研究现状出发,对文中涉及到的营销策略的基本概念作了界定,进而指出了大学生信用卡营销策略的重要性。接着介绍了大学生信用卡市场现状,为随后的研究奠定了基础。然后通过对大学生信用卡市场环境和市场特点的分析,引出了大学生信用卡市场中存在的问题。并在此基础上对大学生信用卡营销策略给出了建议。 通过本文的研究,大学生信用卡营销策略应该从产品策略、价格策略、渠道策略、促销策略四方面来做。产品策略方面:根据大学生的生活特点和一些消费特性,指定相应的产品功能;价格策略方面:通过一些促销活动来优惠年费,信用卡预借现金有相应的优惠;渠道策略方面:商业银行由专门的销售人员在校内所设的营销点为主;促销策略方面:根据根据大学生现有的用卡特征和年级、性别等个人特征进行多渠道的直复营销。结合案例的分析,通过实践说明大学生信用卡市场的发展优势,以及对营销过程的对策。 关键词: 信用卡 营销策略 Title The Research of Marketing Strategy for College Students Credit Card Abstract At present, while the retailing financial market of china is gradually opening to foreign companies, Chinese banks are confronted with serious challenges. To face the accelerated opening of the credit card market and the potential competition form foreign financial institutions, domestic commercial banks have intensified the inputs on the credit card business. Commercial banks release the college students’ credit card after re-segmenting the market in order to find new profit growth points and choose the complementary marketing strategy. This article starts with the current status, defines the concepts of mentioned marketing strategy and then pointed out the importance of college students’ credit card marketing strategy. Then presented the status of the credit card market in order to lay the foundation for the study. Next, it extract the problem of the said market through the analyzing the environment and surroundings of the market on the basis of which credit cards to college students are given the proposed marketing strategy. Through the study of this article, students should be done from the product strategy, pricing strategy, channel


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