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河南财经政法大学成功学院本科生毕业论文 企业负债筹资风险的分析 院系名称 管理学系 姓  名   号 专  业 指导教师 年月日 Abstract Debt management is the commodity economy develops to a certain stage of the inevitable product of modern management, from the point of view, an enterprise rich degree only its own funds is insufficient, also see its debt management and debt repayment ability, debt management is one of the basic characteristics of modern enterprises, this is a test of whether companies prosperous important mark. Debt management can Debt management can enhance the enterprise market competition ability, expand the scale of production, make the enterprise gets financial lever benefit, access to tax benefits, reduce the loss of devaluation, reduce integrated capital cost; at the same time, indebted manage can also increase the financial risk of enterprise. Our country present stage, enterprises generally face the problem of shortage of funds, financing companies have become a very important financial channels. Debt financing is one of the modern enterprise the main financing way, also is the enterprise uses generally financing. Liabilities will have the financing risks, therefore, because of debt risks is every enterprise cannot evasive real problem. This paper from the positive and the negative two aspects analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of debt financing, and to our country enterprise debt financing present situation as well as the reasons are explained in detail, and finally to company debt financing risk prevention suggestions. It can be found from this article, enterprise debt financing for enterprises, there are both advantages and disadvantages., enterprises should conscientiously study itself, with its own specific conditions, formulate relevant policies and plans, to the implementation of debt financing, to minimize the risk of debt financing. Key Words:Managing an enterprise with a loan;Financial risk;Financing 目 录 引 言 1 (一)研究背景和意义 1 (二)文献综述 1 (三)研究内容和方法 2 一、 企业负债筹资风险的理论概述 3 (一) 企业负债筹资风


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