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VIP 托福 SAT 助考倾情奉献!大陆/北美答案! 托福/SAT 考前答案,考后付款!0 风险!托福考位代刷成功率 100%! 欢迎大家加我咨询!更多资料赠送! QQ 客服一:912195180 QQ 客服二:965976110 下面为大家整理的是7道 SAT 语法改进句子题的内容和答案。SAT 语法改进句子题属于语法 考试中对大家的要求比较高的一部分,需要大家在备考的时候经过一段时间的练习才能掌 握。大家一起来看看这些题目的详细内容吧。 1.The North American continent, first colonized by people from Siberia, crossingthe now sunken land bridge between Siberia and Alaska about 15, years ago. Answer Choices (A) The North American continent, first colonized by people from Siberia, crossing (B) People from Siberia first colonized the North American continent, who crossed (C) First colonized by people from Siberia was the North American continent, they crossed (D) First colonized by people from Siberia, who crossed the North American continent, (E) The North American continent was first colonized by people from Siberia, who crossed 2.Theirpart of the reconstruction process that followed the Second World War, the nations of Western Europe took steps toward achieving greater political and economic integration. Answer Choices (A) Their (B) The (C) It was (D) As (E) On 3.The finest quality raw silk comes from the commonly domesticated silkworm, Bombyx mori, it feedson the leaves of the mulberry tree. Answer Choices VIP 托福 SAT 助考倾情奉献!大陆/北美答案! 托福/SAT 考前答案,考后付款!0 风险!托福考位代刷成功率 100%! 欢迎大家加我咨询!更多资料赠送! QQ 客服一:912195180 QQ 客服二:965976110 (A) it feeds (B) feeding (C) they feed (D) which feeds (E) having fed 4.Many of the instruments used in early operations of the United States Army Signal Corps were adaptations of equipment used by the Plains Indians, particularly that of the heliograph. Answer Choices (A) Corps were adaptations of equipment used by the Plains Indians, particularly that of th


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