Watch series 04-The Last Watch 教程.pdf

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The Last Watch Sergei Lukyanenko Copyright Sergei Lukyanenko, 2006 Part One A COMMON CAUSE PROLOGUE LERA LOOKED AT Victor and smiled. Inside every man, no matter how grown-up, there was stil l a little boy. Victor was twenty-five years old and of, course, he was grown-up. Valeria was prepar ed to insist on that with all the conviction of a nineteen-year-old woman in love. Dungeons, she said straight into Victors ear. Dungeons and dragons. Oo-oo-oo! Victor snorted. They were sitting in a room that would have been dirty if it wasnt so dark. Jostling all around them were excited children and adults with embarrassed smiles. On a stage decorated wi th mystical symbols a young man wearing white make-up and a long flowing black cloak was mak ing frightening faces. He was lit up from below by a few crimson light bulbs. 第 1 页 共 186 页 / 原版英语阅读网 Now you are going to learn what real horror is like! the young man drawled menacingly. Aagh! A-a-a-agh! Even I feel afraid at the thought of what you are going to see! He spoke with the precise articulation that only drama college students have. Even Lera, who did nt know much English, could understand every word. I like the dungeons in Budapest, she whispered to Victor. They have real old dungeons there . . . its very interesting. And all they have here is one big roo m of horror. Victor nodded guiltily and said: But at least its cool in here. September in Edinburgh had turned out hot. Victor and Lera had spent the morning in the royal cas tle, a centre of tourist pilgrimage. They had had a bite to eat and had drunk a pint of beer each in o ne of the countless pubs. And then they had found somewhere to take shelter from the midday sun . . . Sure you havent changed your minds? the actor in the



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