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本科毕业论文 (20 届) 多刺裸腹蚤实验室大量培养的研究 专业:水产养殖学 目录 中文摘要 1 英文摘要 2 1.前言 3 2.多刺裸腹蚤的国内外研究现状 4 2.1关于形态学方面的研究 4 2.2关于生殖生物学的研究 4 2.3关于生活史的研究 4 2.4关于多刺裸腹蚤的研究现状 5 3.关于光合细菌研究的概况 6 4.实验设计 7 4.1实验原理 7 4.2材料与方法 8 4.3数据处理 10 5.结果与分析 13 6.讨论 13 6.1光合细菌在提高多刺裸腹蚤生物量上的作用 14 6.2光合细菌在缩短多刺裸腹蚤生殖间隔期上和延缓衰亡期上的作用 14 6.3光合细菌在改善水质方面的作用 14 7.小结 14 致谢 15 参考文献 16 多刺裸腹蚤实验室大量培养的研究 [摘要] 多刺裸腹蚤(Moina macrocopa)是一种习见的枝角类,隶属于裸腹蚤科,裸腹蚤属。营养丰富,是水产经济动物苗期的重要天然饵料。通过对前人文献的分析整理,目前对多刺裸腹蚤的有关研究主要集中在食物对多刺裸腹蚤的影响、温度对多刺裸腹蚤的影响、还有多刺裸腹蚤的海水驯化。对多刺裸腹蚤形态生理方面的研究比较少见。通过食物对多刺裸腹蚤影响的有关文献进行整理,得出在多刺裸腹蚤的培养过程中很少有关于用天然水体中的藻类和光合细菌的混合培养液来培养多刺裸腹蚤。整理关于光合细菌在水产养殖上应用的有关文献,指出在枝角类的培养过程中,用光合细菌投喂的枝角类在上生物量上比藻类培养的枝角类要多;在鱼苗的培育过程中,用光合细菌作为饵料添加剂能够提高鱼苗的成活率和生长率;在养虾池中泼洒光合细菌能够减少氨氮的含量。本文利用光合细菌和藻类的混合培养液培养液多刺裸腹蚤为实验组,以只用藻类培养多刺裸腹蚤为对照组。实验结果表明:加光合细菌组比只用藻类培养组在生物量上平均每天多28.3%;而且加光合细菌组的PH变动的幅度比只用藻类组的PH小0.07。 [关键词]枝角类 多刺裸腹蚤 光合细菌 Study On Culture A Large Number Of Moina Macrocopa In Laboratory [Abstract] Moina macrocopa is a regular Cladocera, under the Moinidae and Moina, which is an important natural food at the seedling of aquatic economic animals. Ordering through the analysis of the previous studies , Currently the research about Moina macrocopa is focusing on the effects of food and temperature on the Moina macrocopa, Moina macrocopa seawater acclimation. Moina macrocopa about morphological and physiological aspects of the research is relatively rare. Ordering through the effect of food on Moina macrocopa of the relevant literature, obtained in a Moina macrocopa that little during the cultivation of natural waters on the algae and photosynthetic bacteria in the mixed culture medium to cultivate Moina macrocopa. Finishing on the photosynthetic bacteria in aquaculture applications relevant literature, pointed out that the training process Cladocera in photosynthetic bacteria fed by the Cladocera biomass than in the cultured algae to cladocerans and more; in fry Training process, the use of photosynthetic bacteria as a food additive can improve the survival rate and g


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