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清华大学 Tsinghua University 清华大学校园,地处北京西北郊繁盛的园林区,是在几处清代皇家园林的遗址上发展而成的。 Situated on several former royal gardens of the Qing Dynasty, surrounded by a few historical sites in northwest Beijing, is the campus of Tsinghua University. 园内林木俊秀,清澈的万泉河水从腹地蜿蜒流过,滋润着一代代清华学子高洁的志趣和情操。 The garden-like landscape, with the Wanquan River meandering through, has inspired and motivated generations of students. Revised version The garden with delicate and pretty trees thriving and clear Wanquan River meandering through has inspired the aspiration and motivated the sentiment of generations of students. 清华大学的前身是清华学堂,始建于1911年,曾是留美预备学校。1912年,清华学堂更名为清华学校。1925年设立大学部,开始招收四年制大学生。 Tsinghua University was established in 1911 originally as "Tsinghua Xuetang," a preparatory school for students who would be sent by the government to study in universities in the United States. The school was renamed "Tsinghua School" in 1912. The university section was instituted in 1925 and undergraduate students were then enrolled. 1928年更名为"国立清华大学",并于1929年秋开办研究院。清华大学的初期发展,虽然渗透着西方文化的影响,但学校十分重视研究中华民族的优秀文化瑰宝。 The name "National Tsinghua University" was adopted in 1928, and in 1929 the Research Institute was set up. Although Western culture was pervasive in the early history of the university, Chinese culture was also cherished and widely studied. 以国学研究院四大导师王国维、梁启超、陈寅恪、赵元任为代表的清华学者,主张中西兼容、文理渗透、古今贯通,对清华的发展产生了深远的影响。 The faculty greatly valued the interaction between the Chinese and Western cultures, the sciences and humanities, the ancient and modern. Tsinghua scholars Wang Guowei, Liang Qichao, Chen Yinque and Zhao Yuanren, renowned as the "Four Tutors" in the Institute of Chinese Classics, advocated this belief and had a profound impact on Tsinghua's later development. 抗日战争爆发后,清华大学与北京大学、南开大学在昆明组成西南联合大学。在战火纷飞、物质条件极度匮乏的岁月里,师生休戚与共、艰苦办学,联大也以水平高、学风好而蜚声海外,培养了大批优秀人才。抗日战争胜利后的1946年,清华大学迁回清华园原址复校。 The Resistance War against the Japanese Invasion in 1937 shattered the campus' serenity and forced Tsinghua to move to Kunmi


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