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摘 要 关于情势变更原则,目前我国现行法律没有对此作出明确规定。随着我国社会 经济的发展,国家经济政策的不断变化,以及加入WTO 之后国际政治经济变化对 我国经济生活的影响,在我国社会生活和司法实践中出现了大量的情势变更问题和 司法判例。如我国“首例非典合同案” 。用情势变更原则处理因情势变更而产生的合 同纠纷,已成为现代世界民商法的立法趋势。情势变更原则是指合同在成立生效后 履行届满前,非因当事人双方的过错而发生不可预见的客观情况变化,致使合同不 能履行或如果履行会显失公平,因而允许当事人请求人民法院或仲裁机构变更或解 除合同,并免除当事人不履行合同责任的一项法律制度。其是基于诚信原则而引申 出来的一项合同法上的基本原则。适用情势变更原则需满足以下条件:情势变更的 客观存在、情势变更发生在合同成立生效后履行届满前、情势的变更不可归责于双 方当事人、情势变更具有不可预见性、因情势变更使履行合同显示公平。情势变更 区别于不可抗力、重大误解、显失公平、商业风险、免责条款等概念,在司法实践 中采取当事人主义,适用情势变更原则产生变更合同或解除合同的法律效力。 关键词: 情势变更原则;适用条件;适用效力;司法适用 I Abstract At present, the law has not clear stipulation on the principle of Circumstance Change in China. But with the development of social economy, change of state economic policy and influence by international political and economic change on China’s economy and living after its entrance to WTO, lots of problems and legal precedent of circumstance change appear in social life and judicial practice in China. For example, the fist case on SARS Contract in China. Applying the principle of Circumstance Change to solve contract dispute caused by situation change has become a legislative trend of modern theory on civil and commercial law in the world.The principle of Circumstance Change refers to the legal system that after the contract is taking effected and before the expiration date of performance, unexpected external circumstance instead of faults cased by both parties changes, and the contract is unable to performed or if performed, it is obvious unfair, therefore the parties is allowed to ask the court or arbitration organization to change or canceled the contract and the parties are exempted from liabilities for breach


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