技术贸易型民营企业成长中困境——基于M 集团个案研究.docVIP

技术贸易型民营企业成长中困境——基于M 集团个案研究.doc

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技术贸易型民营企业成长中的困境——基于M集团的个案研究1,2,,1、4 School of Labor Relations and Human Resources of RUC, P.R.China, 100872 2 School of Business Administration of South China University of Technology , P.R.China, 510006 3 School of Art and Law of Anhui University of Technology, P.R.China, 243002 摘要:关键词: Abstract: Technology-and-trade-oriented enterprises are those who excel in equipments production which involves advanced technological elements, specialize in technology consultation, technology utilization permit authorization, and also are featured by cooperative manufacture. The thesis applies methodology of case study, questionnaire survey and quantitative study, to research on the difficulties emerging during the development process and their current situations and status of private-owned technology-and-trade-oriented enterprises in China. The thesis adopts an empirical environment assessment approach to make an evaluation on the external competition environment and internal management mechanism of the M group, including competition environment, corporation strategy, management context, organization climate human resources management and etc.. The study has discovered that the M group, as a stereotype Chinese private-owned technology-and-trade-oriented enterprise, has experienced almost all the typical private-owned companies’ dilemma during the development and expansion, and has presented a very representative image of the enterprises of the kind, when being confronted by the pressure of development and competition in the areas of company governance and operation. Therefore, the thesis basing on these observations, has promotes several specific suggestions to address the issue of development of technology-and-trade-oriented private-owned enterprises in China. Keywords: Technology-and-trade-oriented enterprises, case study, development process, corporation governance, management mechanism 1 引言 民营企业的发展在因其在经济发展中起到的重要作用而被广泛关注。纵观民营企业的发展轨迹,真正成长起来成为具有雄厚、持续竞争力的大企业、大集团并不多见,大量发展势头很好



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