抗人 DR5 单克隆抗体的制备、鉴定及活性分析.pdfVIP

抗人 DR5 单克隆抗体的制备、鉴定及活性分析.pdf

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25 6 2009 11 # # [ ] 1000-8861( 2009) 06-0671-05 DR5 1v 1v * 2v 3 3 1 杨东海 , 庄国洪 , 刘忠臣 , 张长弓 , 何 琼 , 李文珠 [ ] DR5(mAb) , , DR5 ( sDR5) Balb/c, DR5 mAb; ELISASDSDR5 mAb sDR5 ; Ig ELISA DR5 mAb; ELISA mAb ; DR5 ; DR5 (mAb) 1 DR5 mAb R150SDS, R150 DR5; R150 Ig IgGI( K ); 6 1@ 10 ; DR5 R150 1 DR5 mAb R150, , [ ] 5; TRAIL; ; [ ] R34 [ ] A Preparation, characterization, and activity analysisofmonoclonalantibodiesagainsthuman death receptor5 YANG Do gha,i ZHUANG Guoho g, LIU Zho gche , ZHANG Cha ggo g, HE Q io g, LIW e zhu A nti-Cancer Research Cen ter, M ed ical C olleg e of X iam en Un iversity, X iam en 361005, Ch ina [Abstract] Objective To prepare m o oclo al a tibodies (mAbs) agai st DR5, a d characterize their b iological properties by usi g ELISA, flow cytom etry, a d SDS. ethods Balb/ c m ice were mi mu ized w ith soluble DR5 ( sDR5), a d the mAbs w as prepared by hybridom a tech ique. Ig subclass a d specificity ofmAbswere a alyzed by ELISA a d SDS, respectively. The titres ofmAbs i ascitic fluidw ere determ i ed by i direct ELISA. F low cytom etry w as utilized to detect the tum or cell apoptosis-i du- ci g activity of themAbs a d the DR5 expressio o the tum or cell surface. Results O e hybridom a cell li e secreti g a t-iDR5 mAbs 6 w ere obtai ed, am ed R150. DR5 mAb R 150 Ig subclass belo ged to IgG, whose titer i ascitic flu idw as 1 @ 10 . The expressio of DR5 o d iffere t tum or cell surfaces could be se sitively detected by


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