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编号 淮安信息职业技术学院 毕业论文 题 目 基于PLC的电梯控制系统设计 学生姓名 徐强 学 号 系 部 电气工程系 专 业 机电一体化技术 班 级 426122 指导教师 薛岚 顾问教师 揭志远 二〇〇九年六月 摘 要 随着现代城市的发展,高层建筑日益增多,电梯成为人们日常生活必不可少的代步工具。电梯性能的好坏对人们生活的影响越来越显著,因此必须努力提高电梯系统的性能,保证电梯的运行高效节能又安全可靠。传统的电梯控制系统采用的是继电器逻辑控制电路,这种控制易出故障,维护不便,运行寿命短,占地空间大,正逐步被淘汰。可编程控制器由于具有可靠性高、功能强大等特点已经成为电梯微机控制系统的核心。 本文在阐述电梯的结构和可编程控制器的结构和工作原理的基础上,针对三层三站电梯,使用西门子S7-200 PLC和仿真软件设计了电梯的运行控制监控系统。电梯的输入信号有3个轿内指令、厅外上、下召唤信号、用3个行程开关来代替电梯的位置信号。输出信号有上行和下行、位置指示灯和轿厢内指令信号指示灯。控制系统可以完成信号的登记和消除、自动选层和定向自动控制功能。阐述了PLC的优点及特点,重点分析了电梯的硬件设计和软件设计,研究并提出了基于PLC电梯控制系统设计的实现方案,最后对本论文的研究内容进行了总结与展望。 关键词:电梯 S7-200PLC 梯形图 Abstract With the development of modern cities, an increasing number of high-rise building, elevator become an indispensable means of transport of daily life. The quality of the lift performance of the impact on peoples lives becoming more and more obvious, it must strive to improve the performance of elevator systems, and ensure the operation of the lift is safe, reliable and energy efficient. The traditional elevator control system uses logic of the relay to control circuit, this kind of controls easily to be crash, maintains inconveniently, the movement life is short, and that occupying a large area of space,it being eliminated gradually. Programmable controller with high reliability, powerful features has become the core of microcomputer control system of elevator. Based on the elaboration of the elevator structure and?structure and working principle of ?programming?controller,?according to the three?layer three Creator, the elevator control system design using Siemens S7-200PLC.The input signal? of the?3?elevator?car?instruction,?hall,?apposition signal?call?signal, with?three travel switches?instead of?the elevator.?The output signal has the up link and down link,?position?indicator?lights and?car?lamp.?The control system can complete the signal registration and eliminate ?automatic layer selection and d


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