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(寒假总动员)2015年高二英语寒假作业 专题18 语言知识回顾(十八)(学) 学一学 重点词汇复习 1. vote (1) vi. vt.投票,选举,表决 vote on ...      对……投票表决 vote for/against 投票支持/反对 vote to do ... 表决通过要做…… Well listen to the arguments on both sides and then vote on it. 我们将先听取双方的论点,然后再表决。 I wanted to know whether he voted for or against her. 我想知道他是投了她的赞成票还是反对票。 (2)n.[C]选票;表决 A vote on this matter will be taken at the end of the discussion. 这件事讨论到最后就举行投票表决。 cast a vote       投票 take/have a vote on 投票表决 put sth. to the vote 把某事诉诸表决 2.reject vt.拒绝,拒收;不予考虑,不予录用 The Supreme Peoples Court on Friday rejected the death sentence for millionaire Wu Ying. 最高人民法院周五未核准富豪吴英死刑。 He has been rejected by all the universities he applied to. 他申请的所有大学都没有录取他。 reject an agreement/a claim/ a decision / an offer /a suggestion/ proposal 3.oppose vt.反对,抵制,阻挠;与……竞争 China has opposed the EU plan, saying it goes against international law. 中国反对欧盟这项计划,说它违背了国际法。 (1)oppose (doing) sth./sb. doing sth. 反对(做)某事/某人做某事 oppose...to/against..使……与……对照或对抗 (2)opposed adj. 反对的;相对的 be opposed to... 反对…;与…对立(to是介词) All the kind people in the country oppose giving military aid to this country. 这个国家所有善良的人都反对向该国提供军事援助。 It seems that she is opposed to your going abroad. 好像她反对你出国。 4.circumstance n.条件,环境,状况(常用复数) What were the circumstances that led you to telephone the police? 是什么情况使你给警察打电话的? easy circumstances    经济状况优越 in/under no circumstances 决不(位于句首时,句子要部分倒装) in/under the circumstances 在这种情况下,既然如此 Under the circumstances,it seemed better not to tell him about the accident. 在这种情况下,不告诉他有关这次事故的情况似乎更好。 [点津] 表示“决不”且与in/under no circumstances用法类似的常用词组还有:in no case, at no time, by no means, in no way, on no account, on no condition。 By no means can you give up the chance to go abroad for further education. 你决不能放弃这次出国深造的机会。 5. typical adj.典型的;有代表性的;平常的;特有的 It is typical of my grandpa to forget things. 我爷爷老是爱忘事。 be typical of   ⑤It is typical of sb. to do sth.某人一向做某事 6. sacrifice (1) vt.牺牲;献出 sacrifice sth. for sb./sth. 为……牺牲…… sacrifice ones life/health to d



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