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《》论文索引(2007—201年)1):7-13. 摘 要: 以矮秆代表作物冬小麦为研究对象,利用郑州农业气象试验站2010年10月15日—2011年6月2日农田小气候观测的各层裸温、气温、总辐射和覆盖度资料,采用对比差值、温度垂直梯度等方法统计分析,并对温度对比差值和总辐射曝辐量相关关系和温度的垂直梯度分布特征进行了研究,结果表明:25 cm、150 cm和300 cm高度的日平均裸温和气温变化趋势基本一致,其对比差值呈由小变大趋势;各层裸温和气温的日分布符合温度日变化分布的一般规律,垂直梯度变化比较明显;各层对比差值呈单峰分布,峰值出现在正午12时左右;裸温和气温的对比差值与总辐射曝辐量呈线性相关。裸温与气温的垂直梯度变化有很好的一致性,可利用裸温不同层次间垂直梯度变化特征确定气温传感器合理的安装高度;根据麦田裸温垂直梯度变化特征,考虑到温度防辐射罩高度限制,矮秆作物田间小气候气温应在距离地表面25 cm、50 cm和150 cm高度附近分别设置观测层次。 Zhou Xiaqiong,Ge Xuyang.Tropical Cyclone Energy Dispersion and Possible SelfMaintenance Mechanism of the SynopticScale Wave Trains[J].气象与环境科学,2015,38(1):14-25.Zhou Xiaqiong, Ge Xuyang.Tropical Cyclone Energy Dispersion and Possible SelfMaintenance Mechanism of the SynopticScale Wave Trains[J].Meteorological and Environmental Sciences,2015,38(1):14-25. 摘 要: The interaction between tropical cyclone (TC) and the large-scale mean flows such as the inter-tropical convergence zone (ITCZ) is investigated using a three-dimensional primitive equation model. Once a TC develops in the vicinity of the ITCZ region where satisfies both barotropic and baroclinic instabilities, the southeastward energy dispersion from the TC may disturb the ITCZ and thus help its breakdown. Cumulus convection can be organized in the region of cyclonic circulation, and the interaction between convective heating and the perturbation circulation may enhance the development of the waves, leading to the generation of a new tropical cyclone to the east. While the TC moves to the high latitude, the ITCZ will reform. Though repeating of this process, a synoptic-scale wave train oriented in the northwest-southeast direction can be generated and self-maintained. The results suggest that the mutual interaction among the low-frequency background flow, wave train pattern and TCs provides a possible mechanism for the origin of the summer synoptic scale wave train pattern over the western North Pacific. 张霞,王新敏,高媛媛,等.河南一次西南涡暴雨的大气排熵指数特征分析[J].气象与环境科学,2015,38(1):26-33.Zhang Xia, Wang


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