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国际法名词解释98-09年真题名词解释 国际公法98-09 98 Opinio juds sive necessitatis?? 法律必要确信p18 ex aequo et bono? 公平善意原则 thalweg median line principle 界河航道中心线原则 deposit the instrument of ratification 交存批准书p374 International conciliation 国际和解p512 01 Specially principle of extradition 引渡的罪行特定原则p118 Displaced persons 难民p123 erga omnes obligations 普遍义务/对人的一切义务 Principle of Non-Refoulement 不推回原则p126 Differential treatment 差别待遇p115 Transit Passage System 过境通行制p217 02 Superanational law 超国家法 International Law Association 国际法委员会p25 Jus ad bellum 诉诸战争权p537 International humanitarian law 国际人道法p555 Treaty suspension 条约的暂停p386 03 Jus inter gentes 万国法p2 Dualism 二元论p26 Judicial immunity 司法豁免p81 Reversionary rights 收复失地p182 Sector principle 扇形原则p188 04 Right of self-preservation 自保权p79 Right of Archipelagic sea lanes passage 群岛海道通过权p220 Mandate system 委任统治制度p409 Justiciable disputes 可裁判的争端p505 International Penal Judicial Association 国际刑事司法协助p48505 05 Res nullius 无主物p177 Pacta sunt servanda 约定必须遵守p381 Calvo Clause 卡尔沃条款p129 International Humanitarian Law 国际人道法p535 06 Principle of identity 相同原则p118 Exhaustion of local remedies 用尽国内救济原则p128 Aut dedere aut judicare 或引渡或起诉p252 Pacta sunt servanda 条约必须遵守p381 07 Accession of the Multilateral Treaty多边条约的加入p375 Extra-territorial Asylum 域外庇护p120 Innocent Passsage无害通过权p208 Optional Compulsory Jurisdiction任意强制管辖权p521 09 Pacta sunt servanda 约定必须遵守p381 Customary international law 国际习惯法p16 Passive personality消极属人管辖原则 Innocent passage 无害通过权p208 Jus cogens 强行法p45p384 国际私法98-09 98 The proper law of a contract 合同自体法p293 Black-letter conflict norms 硬性冲突规范p156 Lex fori 法院地法p83.p103 99 Lex loci solutionis 合同履行地法p83 Migratory marriage???迁移婚姻 p158 Mobilia sequuntur personam 动产随人p189 Intertemporal conflict of laws 区际法律冲突p602 00 Fraus omma comunpit欺诈使一切归于无效 Formula of attribution系属公式p82 Mandatory rules 强制性规则p482 Lex loci re sitae 物之所在地法p83.p189 01 Francescakis 弗朗西斯卡基斯p55 Varaiable point of contact 动态连接点p76 Locus regit actum 场所支配行为p83 Universalism-internationalism school 国际主义


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