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M7 Text2

策划:《学生双语报》 What does the page show us? How many parts in this page? 3. Can you describe the two pictures with some words? 1. What does the page show you? The page shows how to send ______ to those who _____ them. 2. How many parts in this page? A brief _____________ A gift ____________ An attractive _____ 1. The purpose of the Internet Page is to ____ A. let people give an unusual gift to the poor B. let people get an unusual card C. let people learn something useful D. let people make money 2. The gifts you give are ________ A. something your loved one keeps. B. some beautiful cards. C. something really needed by the poor people. D. some lovely toys and fashionable clothes. 3. You can use the card sent by the organization for the following occasions except _______ A. anniversaries B. birthdays C. burials D. weddings 1. In what kind of order are the gifts listed? 1.A loan to set up women’s self-help group 2.Training in vegetable gardening 3.Child vaccination against 6 killer diseases 4.A loan to set up a small business 5.Family nutritional supplements 6.Assistance for families headed by children 7.Oxen for ploughing 8.A trunk library 1. Listen to the tape and find out the gift to be sent. 2.Please translate the last sentence in this part into Chinese. Add to the gift list on the Internet page three more gifts and give at least two reasons for your choice. We would like to… Because … This gift allows (gives, buys, covers, etc.)… Therefore, I think… We hope… a.家用营养补品 b.建一家小型企业的贷款 c.对遗孤家庭的援金 d.蔬菜园艺培训 e.组建妇女自助会的贷款 f.预防六种儿童致命疾病的疫苗 g.箱式图书馆 h.耕牛 Part III An attractive card A. Basic adult education B. A trunk library C. Training in agriculture D. A loan to set up a small business C 仅仅把产量提高20%,就会意味着患病与健康,饥饿与自足的家庭之间的差异。 Detailed reading (EX.2 pp.35) On the Internet page, when you click on each gift, you get a description of that gift. In pairs, write the correct gift (A to U)from


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