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My neighbourhood

公交车票通常花我一元钱。 The bus ticket usually ____ me one yuan. I ____one yuan ___the bus ticket. I _____one yuan ____the bus ticket. I _____one yuan ________the bus ticket. * * Lesson29 西乡三中 朱远明 2010-10-26 hockey chocolate A cook is cooking. sugar It costs $30. Michael floor comfortable however sweep Michael hockey chocolate cost sugar comfortable however sweep floor cook own housework 人名 冰球,曲棍球 巧克力 花费 食糖 舒适的 然而 打扫 地板 烹调 自己的 家务 play hockey hot chocolate do housework sweep the floor cook dinner wash clothes 热巧克力饮料 打曲棍球 洗衣服 做家务 扫地 做饭 Exercise1 shopping centre coffee shop grocery store a bank a video store 咖啡店 购物中心 食品杂货店 音像制品店 银行 What do you like to do after school ? Listen and answer the questions: 1.What does Michael like to do in winter? He likes to play hockey in winter. 2.What’s hot chocolate? It’s a drink. It has hot milk, sugar and cholcolate in it. 1. How much does the chocolate cost? Hot chocolate costs about $ 3.50. cost 用作动词,表示“花费”,后面跟钱数,物作主语. cost- cost- cost eg. The book cost me five yuan. spend 也有“花费”的意思,但人作主语。 spend- spent- spent ①sb. spend +时间/金钱+ on sth ②sb. spend + 时间/金钱+(in) doing sth. He spend two dollars on his schoolbag. He spent two hours in doing his homework.    pay和take也表示“花费”.  pay- paid- paid take- took- taken pay只能表示“花钱”,主语必须是人, 常和for搭配: 主语+pay(+钱)+for+物. eg. I paid ten yuan for the book. take常用来表示“花时间”,主语用形式主语it: It takes sb. some time to do sth. eg. It takes me two hours to finish my homework every day. costs paid for spent on spent In buying 2. Whose clothes does Michael wash? He always washes my own clothes. own 作形容词,是“自己的”。还可作动词,“拥有” eg. This is my own bike. The car is mine; I own it. ask do sth. 请某人做某事 eg. The teacher asks us to come to school on time. ask sb. not to do sth. 请某人不要做某事 eg. Our teacher asks us not to be late for class. 与相似用法的词还有:want, t


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