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青年文学家·语言研究 A Comparative Study of Two English Versions of Elegy on Flowers 《葬花吟》两个英译本的对比赏析 吴晓培 同济大学外国语学院 上海 200000 摘 要:《红楼梦》被认为是中国文学史上的最重要的鸿篇巨 when “grave-digger ”appears for the first time, it means a new 制之一。《葬花吟》是《红楼梦》中林黛玉的诗歌代表,浸透着 character in the story. So it is inaccurate to use this “grave-digger ”. 黛玉式的特有的凄婉哀伤,为其他诗定下了基调。该诗体现了曹 “葬花人”should be put into the first person to make the whole poem 雪芹高超的语言技巧,其精湛的艺术价值值得挖掘和探讨。本文 fluent. 对杨宪益与戴乃迭夫妇、许渊冲的两个英译文进行对比赏析。 杜鹃无语正黄昏,荷锄归去掩重门。 Abstract: The Story of the Stone is regarded as one of the Yang Dark falls and the cuckoo is silent most significant novel in the Chinese literature, and Lin Daiyu’s Elegy Her hoe brought back the lodge is locked and still on Flower is believed to have best mirrored the outstanding language Xu skills and the deep emotions of Cao Xueqin, the author of the Story of A s t w i l i g h t f a l l s , t h e c u c k o o s s i n g n o m o r e ; the Stone. This paper is a comparative research of two famous English I come back with my hoe and close the double door. versions of this poem, Yang Xianyi’s version and Xu Yuanchong’s


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