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总第 16 卷 183 期 大 众 科 技 Vol.16 No.11 2014 年 11 月 Popular Science Technology November 2014 腰椎失稳症手术治疗的研究现状 (广西中医药大学,广西 南宁 530001) 【摘 要】腰椎失稳症是脊柱外科的常见病和多发病,它主要包括峡部裂性腰椎滑脱症 (isthmic spondylolisthesis,ISS) 和退变性腰椎滑脱症 (degenerative spondylolisthesis,DSS)两种类型,后者又被称为非峡部裂性腰椎滑脱症。此类患者通过 手术治疗,能够恢复椎间高度和腰椎生理前凸、重建脊柱的力学稳定,从而达到临床治愈或缓解,是获得临床远期疗效的关键。 王岩[1]认为脊柱融合术具有防止内植物失败和维持长期疗效等优点,是目前公认的治疗脊柱疾患的金标准。文章旨在总结腰椎 失稳症手术治疗有关文献,探讨各种术式的利弊,为临床提供有益参考。 【关键词】腰椎失稳;手术治疗;进展;综述 【中图分类号】R681 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1008-1151(2014)11-0151-03 Research status of operation treatment of lumbar instability syndrome Abstract: Lumbar instability syndrome is a common and frequently occurring disease in the department of orthopedics, it mainly includes isthmic spondylolisthesis and degenerative spondylolisthesis, and the latter also known as non ﹣isthmic spondylolisthesis. For these patients, operation treatment can restore the lumbar intervertebral height and segmental lordosis, and also reconstruct the mechanical stability of the spine, so surgical operation is the key to obtain the long-term clinical efficacy of the patients. Mr.Wang thought that the spinal fusion is the gold standard to treat the spinal disorders which was recognized all the time, and it has the advantages of preventing spinal fusion implant failure and maintains the long-term curative effect. The paper aims to summarize the literature about operation


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