课件 专题十三 反意疑问句、祈使句、感叹句以及其它特殊句式.ppt

课件 专题十三 反意疑问句、祈使句、感叹句以及其它特殊句式.ppt

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反意疑问句、祈使句、感叹句 以及其它特殊句式 知识要点 反意疑问句的主要考点 一、陈述句如果是there be句型,则附加疑问句要用there充当主语,而不用it或者they来与存在句中的主语保持一致: 1. There is a cup on the table, isn’t there? 2. There were lots of people over there, weren’t there? 3. There’s nothing wrong, is there? 二、陈述句的主语如果是everyone (everybody),someone (somebody),anyone (anybody),no one,nobody,则在附加疑问句中通常使用they,尤其是在口语中。但是,使用he也是正确的: 1. Somebody borrowed my pen yesterday, didn’t they? 2. No one was injured in the car accident, were they? 3. Someone died here yesterday, didn’t they? 但在正式语体中也可以见到用he的实例: Everyone knows his name, doesn’t he? 三、陈述句的主语如果是this,that,these,those,则附加疑问句中的主语要分别用it或they: 1. That is your hat, isn’t it? 2. Those are ugly, aren’t they? 四、附加疑问句通常要重复复合句中主句的主语,但主句中如果含有I think /suppose /expect /believe /imagine /fancy /suspect这样的主谓结构,则附加疑问句应重复that从句中的主语: 1. I suppose you are not serious, are you? 2. I expect you will have a good time there, won’t you? 3. I don’t believe he has finished, has he? 五、否定转移句的附加疑问句,其主语应重复that从句的主语: 1. I don’t think you can do these exercises alone, can you? 2. I don’t imagine he cares, does he? 3. I don’t think she knows French, does she? 六、在Let’s与Let us (me)句后的附加疑问句的主语是不同的: 1. Let’s go for a walk, shall we? 2. Let us go shopping, will you? 3. Now, let me have a look at that project, will you? 七、陈述句的主语如果是one,则附加疑问句的主语应当用one(英国英语)或he(美国英语): One can’t be too careful, can one?/ can he? 八、祈使句的主语为第三人称时,附加疑问句的主语既可用you,也可用they: Somebody open this door, will you?/ will they? 九、在含used to的陈述句之后,附加疑问句要使用助动词did,但亦可使用use(d)n’t: 1. They used to write to you, didn’t they? 2. There used to be a cinema here, use(d)n’t there? 十、在含I am的陈述句之后,附加疑问句的助动词不使用am not,而使用aren’t(英国英语)或ain’t(美国英语): 1. I am late, aren’t I? / ain’t I? 2. I’m doing well, aren’t I?/ ain’t I? 十一、祈使句为肯定句时,附加疑问句可使用will you/ won’t you,can you/ can’t you。在否定的祈使句之后,附加疑问句应使用will you或can you: 1. Don’t make noise, will you?/ can you? 2. Don’t tell Joe, will you? 十二、陈述句中含有助动词ought to时,附加疑问句既可使用oughtn’t,也可使用shouldn’t: 1. We ought to go now, shou


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