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·648·  1998  14  9 M RI ① 吕发金  张克随 吴景全 石 军  : T 。: 1 5 M R, 、,。 : 5 ; T1 ,,。: T1 ,。       : The Posterior Lobe of Pituitary Gland A CorrelativeMR Imaging and ElectronMicroscopic Study Lu Faj in , et al , 1 Dep artment of Radiology The st Af f iliated Hosp ital Chongqing University of Medical ciences (Chongqing 400016) Abstract Purpose: T o study the correlation betw een posterior pituitary hi h si nal and neurosecretory ranules in the posterior lobe of pituitary land. Methods: M R ima es of pituitary land w ere performed on five . . cranial cadavers Th en observed by electron microscopic The si nal intensity ratio of posterior pituitary land and the amount of neurosecretory land w ere measured; analysed with correlation and re ression. Results: Posterior pitui tary hi h si nal w ere seen in five cases; There were abundnt neurosecretory ranules in the posterior lobe of pitui tary land. but a few lipid droplets. Conclusion: Posterior pituitary hi h si nal seen on T -w ei h ted M R 1 , . ima es is att ributed to neurosecretory ranules and havin linear posi tive correlation ey words Ma netic resonance ima in   Posterior pituitary


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