美式英式婴语区别词典 A to Zed, A to Zee - British and American English.pdf

美式英式婴语区别词典 A to Zed, A to Zee - British and American English.pdf

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A TO ZED, A TO ZEE A GUIDE TO THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN BRITISH AND AMERICA N ENGLISH A TO ZED, A TO ZEE A GUIDE TO THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN BRITISH AND AMERICA N ENGLISH WRITTEN BY GLENN DARRAG H PUBLISHED BY EDITORIAL STANLEY LAYOUT ANGELA GOMEZ MARTIN FRONT PAGE DESIGN DISENO IRUNES © EDITORIAL STANLEY APDO. 207 - 20302 IRUN - SPAIN TELF. (943) 64 04 12 - FAX. (943) 64 38 63 ISBN: 84-7873-346-9 DEP. LEG. BI-930-00 FIRST EDITION 2000 PRINTERS IMPRENTA BEREKINTZA Contents Preface Introduction: Why are they so different? v Part one : Spelling 2 Part two : Pronunciation 1 1 Part three : Grammar and Usage 19 Part four : A to Zed: a GB / US lexis 27 Part five : A to Zee : a US / GB lexis 75 Further Reading 12 1 Preface This boo k is intended fo r Americans and This stat e of affairs is reflected i n the Britons who want to understand eac h structure and content of the present other better , and fo r foreig n students of book, whic h makes no pretence (o r either America n o r Britis h English who pretense) of being exhaustive , but whic h want to familiarise (o r familiarize ) does try to be comprehensive . Short themselves wit h the othe r main variety initial chapters outline the historica l of the language . According to George


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