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毕 业 设 计(论 文)外 文 参 考 资 料 及 译 文 译文题目: Freeway Interchange Ramp Bridge Typical Disease Analysis and Design of Reinforcement 学生姓名: 计佳伟 学 号: 0606110105 专 业: 土 木 工 程 所在学院: 建 筑 工 程 学 院 指导教师: 于 洪 宾 职 称: 讲 师 日期: 2010年 2 月 5日 Freeway Interchange Ramp Bridge Typical Disease Analysis and Design of Reinforcement Abstract: In this paper, the Freeway Interchange Ramp Bridge to the typical disease detection, analysis of the causes of disease, and to propose a detailed reinforcement design for the type of bridge type of disease analysis and reinforcement design of a certain reference. 1 Overview Interchange Ramp Bridge is located in C cauda equina cauda equina exchange area, length of 652.50m, the bridge cross-combination of 5 × 25m +1 × 20m +2 × 30m +2 × 25m +5 × 25m +5 × 25m +5 × 25m +1 × 21m ; upper structure such as cross-section of prestressed concrete continuous rigid frame box girder; flat curve of minimum radius of 127.75m. Substructure for the wall piers, drilled pile foundation, integral abutment, expand base; ball bearing; bridge is located 80 joints. In a routine maintenance inspection found that emergence of multi-span box girder webs vertical cracks in floor box girder vertical and horizontal direction and diagonal cracks appeared. Diagonal cracks appeared beam web. Pier upper vertical and annular cracks appear, some of Pier lateral deviation occurs. For this reason, disease detection units conducted a special inspection, analysis of the causes of the disease, and the corresponding reinforcement design. 2 Ramp Bridge Detection of Disease 2.1 The test content and test methods The use of bridge inspection vehicle to provide a platform for the bridge on the ramp box Liang Liang body boards, web and flange panels to conduct a comprehensive examination, and Pier appearance and deviation, as well as working conditions, bearing a detailed inspection


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