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Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) of Obama’s Presidential Election Victory Speech 徐婷 030109103 The study is explored for the following reasons: 1.linguists pay little attention to the critical analysis of political speeches; 2.to find out how Obama won the supports of the majority American citizens; 3.to help people learn how to deliver excellent campaign speeches. Purpose: study how the language producers use language to convey their ideologies to others and exercise the power to help achieve political purposes Firstly, this paper will introduce what is critical discourse analysis (CDA); Secondly, analyze the speeches of Obama and McCain with three main language meta- functions: Thirdly, the conclusion. interpersonal function Identity construction self-image Modality determination Vocative(呼格) engaging the audience (1). I am the son and grandson of Navy admirals and I was born into America’s service… (2). I am the son of a black man from Kenya and a white woman from Kansas…I have brothers, sisters… every race and every hue, scattered across three continents. (3). I know how the military works, what it can do, what it can do better, and what it shouldn’t do. I know.. I know.. (4). I will end this war in Iraq responsibly, and finish the fight against al Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan. I will.. I will .. McCain peace and military issues Obama social issues (5). McCain: my friends my fellow Americans American people conclusion The findings reveal that Obama’s speeches are more inclusive and persuasive. He uses rhetorical strategies more frequently than McCain to strengthen the rationale and cohesion of his speeches. Through analysis, we also find that Obama uses vague languages on some sensitive issues, like gay marriage, gun ownership and immigration, so as to win more people’s support. The present study indicates that integrated multicultural discourse accords with


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