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中文摘要 自清代以来,就有学者涉及籀文的研究,主要研究籀文的来源、籀文产生 的时代、以及籀文的字形特点等方面。关于籀文与对应的小篆字形对比的课题 可见者甚少。 文章分析了《说文》中收录的 216 个籀文。文章的主体部分是将籀文与其对 应的小篆进行对比,主要运用了传统的“六书”理论和王宁先生提出的汉字构 形学理论。通过“六书理论”的运用,可归纳出 216 组籀文与小篆的造字理念 的不同。通过现代汉字构形学的理论的运用,对汉字构件进行有效的拆分,并 总结出了籀文文字结构的7种功能模式。 对比主要包括从共时的角度对单个汉字字符的对比,以及从历时的角度对汉 字系统的对比。通过数据的统计和归纳,可以明确总结出汉字发展到小篆时期 的演变规律。 通过对《说文》中的籀文与其对应小篆的自行比较,有助于更好的研究先秦 古文字。说文中的古文、籀文,大部分比小篆更接近先秦古文字,是研究先秦 古文字的重要依据和材料。其次,籀文的存在有助于分析正篆的字形结构。对 于分析《说文》中省形、省声的形声字,有了籀文字形作为参考,可以为分析 其造字理念提供很大的帮助。从汉字发展的历史来看,《说文》中的小篆与籀文, 为后人对文字的研究提供了很多宝贵的材料,促进了整个文字学的发展,对于 今天的汉字规范化,也起到了重要的作用。 关键词:说文;籀文;小篆;字形 I Abstract ShuoWen is the first well-known dictionary in the history of Chinese Language and Literature, which analysisingthe shape, explaining the meaning of words, distinguishing the voice. It is the scripture book of studying the Chinese character during the 1800 years and becoming the significant material to study the Ancient Chinese. Zhou Wen, also known as “ZhouShu”, “DaZhuan”, “ShiShu”, is a kind of character handed down from the late Western Zhou Dynasty to the early years of ZhanGuo Period. It is evolved from the JiaGuWen of the Shang Dynasty and the JinWen of the early Zhou Dynasty. It is created by the TaiShi, whose name is Zhou, and named for it. HanShu·YiWenZhi recorded fifteen posts of ShiZhou, BanGu note: “The TaiShi whose name is Zhou has creat fifteen Chapter.XuShen’s ShuoWenJieZI·Xu also said it. ShiZhouPian is spread during the King of Xuan of Zhou Dynasty and it had been vanished for many years. However, according to YiWenZhi, Six of them had been vanished until JianWu year, it could be speculated that XuShen kown the the remaining.The XiaoZhuan of ShuoWen is ellipsised and developed on the basis of ZhouWen.There are difference in the shape between them. The ZhouWen saved in ShuoWen is the considerable



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