hustle 飞天大盗 第一季第一集中英文字幕.doc

hustle 飞天大盗 第一季第一集中英文字幕.doc

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hustle 飞天大盗 第一季第一集中英文字幕.doc

飞天大盗 第1季第1集 S01E01 The Con is On - 我来付小费 - 谢了 - Ill get the tip. - Thank you. - 谢了 兄弟 - 保重 - Thanks,lad. - Keep well. - 再见 - 再见 - Cheerio. - Bye. 把刀放下 伙计 安静一下 行吗? Put the cleaver down,mate.Everybody calm down,all right? 你们真想翻身嘛 我这次可是通杀 If you all want to chance it,Ill tell you now,Ive got a full house. 全押上 怎样? All in,right? - 你丢了这个 - 哦 非常感谢 伙计 - You dropped this. - Thank you very much. 请你一杯 怎么样? Can I buy you a drink? - 当然 没问题 - 想喝什么? - All right,sure.Why not? - Whatll you have? - 威士忌 谢谢 - 一杯威士忌 - Scotch,thanks very much. - Scotch. 行了! All right! 忙吗? Busy? Ash 找个轻松点的生财之道吧 Ash.There are easier ways to earn a living. Mickey Mickey. 太好了 How good! 不是在做梦吧 Have I missed you or what? - 快车道上的生活不错嘛 - 还不错! - Hows life in the fast lane? - Its good. 这是城里唯一的生财之道了 不是边开车边吃汉堡包.. Its the only game in town.If theyre not eating a hamburger... 就是在摆弄CD机..要么就是在接电话 or fiddling with the CD player,theyre on the phone. 没人会注意路况的 No one watches the road anymore. 谢了 Eddie Cheers,Eddie. 你呢 怎么样? So what about you?How was it? 完全不同的经历 别提了 A new experience.One I dont care to repeat. 那现在在做什么呢? So what now then? 算是收山之作了 I feel like one last score. - 玩大的还小的? - 大的 - Long or short? - Long. 没人再敢玩大的了吧 No one is playing the long con anymore. 没人敢玩 是因为他们不会玩 一起来吧 最后一次了 They dont because they cant.Come on,one last time. 然后我就金盆洗手 功成身退 希望不会功败垂成 Then Ill stop.Ill retire on my terms.Not because Ive been beat. 你知道 没有你 我做不到的 You know I cant do it without you. - 什么时候开始? - 早开始了 Albert已经下套了 - When do we start? - Already have.Alberts got a mark. 不过 当务之急是 能搞定酒店吗? But first things first.Can you swing a hotel? 小菜一碟! Can Pavarotti sing? 我们已经在监视Stone了 Weve already got Stone under surveillance. - 是的 我知道 长官 - 那为什么还是窃贼猖獗? - I understand that,sir. - Then why the heavy mob? 我们得到可靠情报 Stone正准备和新目标接头... Weve had intelligence Stones next target is well connected... 高手间的较量 plays golf with the Chancellor. 看来他有个精英团队 为什么不先警示他? So hes got friends in high places.Why dont you just warn him off? 一方面我们监督他.... Whilst we are keen to protect him.


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