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3 3 ( ) Vol. 3 No. 3 2003 JOURNAL OF NANJING NORMAL UNIVERSITY( ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY) 2003 Semi-active Control Study of Asymmetric MR-damper in Vehicle Suspension 1, 2 2 2 2 Wang Enrong , Ma Xiaoqing , Rakheja Subhash , Su Chunyi ( College of Electrical Electronic Engineering, Nanjing Normal University, 210042, Nanjing, PRC) ( De artment of Mechanical Industrial Engineering, Concordia University, H3G 1M8, Montreal, Canada) Abstract: On the basis of the generalized asymmetric hysteresis model which has recently been ro osed by the authors, this a er dealswith sem-i active control for the vehicle sus ension vibration attenuation by em loying a sem-i actively controllable magneto-rheological (MR) fluid dam er. The ro osed asymmetric model of an MR-dam er is em loyed in a 2-DOF / quar- ter-car0 model, and the/ skyhook0 control law is a lied to im lement variable dam ing deduced from theMR-dam er. The simulation results demonstrate the contributions of dam ing asymmetry and hysteresis in res onse to the semi-active sus en- sion, and suggest that the sem-i active nonlinear controller synthesis can be greatly sim lified to achieve su erior vibration at- tenuation erformance of the vehicle sus ension. Key words: magneto-rheological fluid dam er, asymmetricf - v hysteresis model, semi-active control, / quarter-car0 vehi- cle model CLC number: TH703. 62, Document code: B, Arti


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