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摘要 本文通过对北部湾企业物流的发展现状以及北部湾企业物流绩效评价的运用现状的分析,阐述建立广西北部湾企业物流绩效评价指标的必要性。再分析体系的建立应遵循的原则,结合广西北部湾企业的自身特点,选取合适的评价指标,分别用德尔菲法和层次分析法,得出指标权重,设计出一个比较全面的适用于北部湾企业的物流绩效评价指标体系,并达到提高企业竞争力,工作效率和降低企业成本的作用。 本文研究的主要成果有三点:一是分析了广西北部湾企业现有的物流绩效评价指标体系,二是是建立了一套满足绩效指标体系设计原则并且符合广西北部湾企业物流实际特点的评价指标体系;三是通过主观与客观相结合的综合权重确定方法——通过德尔菲法与层次分析法进行有机结合,体现了主观与客观的统一,加强了指标权重的合理性和科学性。 关键字:广西北部湾,企业物流,绩效评价,德尔菲法,层次分析法 Abstract The paper analyze the development and apply with the logistics performance evaluation by the company logistics in the northern gulf of Guangxi, and elaborate the important of the logistics performance evaluation indicators and analysis the system of principles with their own characteristics, choose the best indicators, and use the Delphi technique and AHP to find a important indicator and design a performance evaluation indicators system what is the best system in the northern gulf of Guangxi Enterprise, which can Enhance enterprise competitiveness, efficiency, and reduce business costs. This paper is research three points, firstly is analyze the performance evaluation indicators system in the northern gulf of Guangxi company.The secondly is design a rule and accord with the characteristic evaluation indicators system in the northern gulf of Guangxi company what is the Established a system of performance indicators. The thirdly is Through a combination of subjective and objective method for determining the comprehensive weight by Delphi and AHP to combine which embodies the unity of subjective and objective, strengthening the indicators weight of rational and scientific. Key Words: The Northern Gulf of Guangxi, Enterprise Logistics, Performance Evaluation, Delphi Method, Analytical Hierarchy Process(AHP) 目 录 一 绪论 1 (一)选题背景及研究意义: 1 (二)物流绩效评价指标的研究现状 2 1国外物流绩效评价指标的研究现状 2 2国内物流绩效评价指标的研究现状 2 (三)研究目的及主要内容 3 二 企业物流绩效评价基本理论 4 (一)企业物流绩效评价的概念 4 (二)企业物流绩效评价的作用 4 (三)企业物流绩效评价的步骤 5 三 北部湾企业物流绩效评价指标体系构建的必要性分析 7 (一)北部湾企业物流发展现状 7 (二)北部湾企业物流绩效评价运用现状 7 (三)建立北部湾企业物流绩效评价指标体系的必要性 8 四 北部湾企业物流绩效评价指标体系构建 10 (



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