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浅析我国少儿电视节目的现状和发展 摘 要 关键词:少儿;电视节目现状;发展趋势 Abstract New China Childrens TV program originated in the 1950s, after years of accumulated development, both in quantity and in quality have made significant progress, with the continuous development of technology, the modern childrens programs have become more abundant Colorful. CCTV as a leader in childrens programs, Golden Eagle Cartoon, Beijing card cool animated TV shows and other TV programs will also be on board the platform childrens programs, childrens television programs to select up way too much. Childrens programs, whether in the form or content increasingly diversified development trend. However, more and more abundant in the program at the same time, the problem has cropped up. Childrens television producer accustomed to using their own thinking to make childrens television programs. Childrens animation apparent lack of national style and modern oriental style. Rural childrens television programs and the city is extremely lacking compared. Lack of participation in interactive childrens programs, scientific and artistic. Childrens program has not been completely continuous exploration of particularity child development. Childrens programs to be child-centered, equitable and communicate with their children, and the childrens eyes to see the world. This paper attempts to analyze the current situation of Chinas modern childrens programs, identify problems and to explore the development of childrens television programs. Based on the analysis of the current form of childrens programs on the combination of psychological and physiological characteristics of children and strive to create a love for children and meaningful suggestions and countermeasures program. Provide a reference for the development of Chinese childrens television programs. Keywords: Children; television program status quo; Development Trend 目 录摘 要 2 Abstract 2 绪论 2 1 我国少儿电视节目现状概述 3 1.1 少儿电视节目的界定 3 1.2 少儿电视节目的特点 3 1.3 少儿电视节目的功能 3 1.4少儿电视节目的


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