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Fifth Avenue Fifth Avenue Times square * * Map of New York New York waters : ① The Hudson River 哈德逊河 ② The East River 东河 ③ Long Island Sound 长岛海湾 ④ Newark Bay 纽瓦克湾 ⑤ Upper New York Harbor 上纽约港 ⑥ Lower New York Harbor ⑦ Jamaica Bay 牙买加湾 ⑧ The Atlantic Ocean 大西洋 Bird’s View of New York Harbor Do you know where it is? 想要欣赏纽约的建筑之美,最佳方式便是隔岸观赏大都会壮观的“天际线”。摩登而现代的高楼大厦、装饰典雅的尖塔型建筑,与天空交织出万般柔情和多姿多彩的线条,展现了纽约的泱泱气度! Mahattan Skyline General Electric Building 通用电气大楼 Chrysler Building 克莱斯勒大楼 Mahattan Skyline Flatiron Building 熨斗大楼 Municipal Building 市政大楼 Mahattan Skyline Empire State Building 帝国大厦 World Financial Center 世界金融中心 Mahattan Skyline 40 Wall Street 华尔街40号 World Trade Center Memorial Site 世界贸易中心遗址 If you have five days, where will you go? ·Statue of Liberty? ·Grand Central Terminal? ·Central Park? ·Metropolitan Museum of Art? ······ Let’s enjoy the most Popular New York City Tourist Attractions!!! 纽约5天4夜 第一天 晴 第一次踏上纽约的土地, 乘着渡轮亲眼见到著名的自由女神像,那是新世界的象征,,是美国梦的召唤者。那一瞬间感动的无以名状…… 第二天 太阳雨 漫步在中央公园的绿地,一路尽览美景,在充满童话气氛的餐厅里,享受一下上流的奢华,再到园区内的大都会博物馆朝圣艺术…… 第三天 晴时多云 《欲望都市》的凯利,在第五大道上血拼,提着大袋小袋的名品,寻觅着传说中的不可不去的潮流特色店…… 第四天 多云 站在时代广场感受人潮川流的十字路口,顺道在百老汇看了朝思暮想的《歌剧魅影》,夜晚登上帝国大厦观景,那璀璨的夜景让人炫目…… 第五天 阴 抓紧最后时间到苏活区体验潮流文化,在街里穿梭寻宝,用眼神向过路的型男潮女致意,带着不想回家的心情踏上归途,心里暗暗立誓,下一次,还要再来纽约…… The Statue of Liberty was a gift to the United States in honor of the friendship established during the French Revolution. The Statue of Liberty has become an American symbol of freedom and welcome to the immigrants who come to the USA looking for a better life. Statue of Liberty 自由女神像 Central Park plays an essential role in the everyday lives of New Yorkers by providing 843 acres of paths, lakes and open spaces for escaping the din and chaos of the surrounding city. Visitors to New York City are often impressed with Central Parks beauty and size, making it a wonderful place for visitors to New York City to enjoy a bit of


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