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Education in China.ppt
Education in ChinaA brief introduction What do the schools look like? 1. Generally speaking, each of the area has several schools, the students are sent to these school if they live in the area. Some of them are considered to be the key schools. Usually a school has a lot more students than the America does. 2. The students has a pretty tough work every day. They usually spend more than 8 hours at school and several hours at home doing their homework. 3. It’s considered that studying is the gate way to success. And due to the 9-year compulsory education policy, all the kids are required to be sent to school. The time schedule 7:00 Get Up 7:15—7:45 breakfast 7:45—8:05 Morning reading(Monday 7:45 flag rising ceremony) 8:10—8:50 1st period 9:00—9:40 2nd period 9:40—10:00 Body Exercise (Extra dining time) 10:00—10:40 3rd period 10:50—11:30 4th period 11:40—12:20 5th period 12:20 Lunch 12:50-2:00 Noon rest 2:10 Preparation 2:20—3:00 6th period 3:10—3:50 7th period 4:00—4:05 Eye Exercise 4:05—4:45 8th period 4:45—4:55 Extra dining time 5:00—5:40 Extra Curriculum 6:00 Dinner 6:50 Preparation 7:00—7:30 Watching Tv news, current issues 7:35—8:25 1st period of Self Studying 8:35—9:25 2st period of Self Studying 9:30—10:00 3rd 1st period of Self Studying 10:40 Sleep Body Exercise and Eye Exercise Video 1. /v_show/id_XNTE4MjI5MjQ=.html 2. /v_playlist/f1947036o1p1.html Pictures of school campus Here are some pictures of the two schools Mr. Li used to work for. 1. Meishi International School / 2. Chengdu Foreign Languages School West Campus / The basic ideas of teaching and learning in ancient China 1. Study is bitter and hard: 书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟 Diligence is the path to the mountain of knowledge,hard-working is the boat to the endless sea of learning. Story: 头悬梁,锥刺股 2. Study means money and beauty: 书中自有黄金屋,书中自有颜如玉 There are houses of gold in the books and there are beauties of jade in the books Story: 范进中举 3. Teacher can be like your father 一日为师,终生为父 He who teaches
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