
第一章 社会医学概论1.ppt

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第一章 社会医学概论1.ppt

德国病理学家 魏尔啸 German Pathologist: Rudolf Virchow The kernel of medical science is social science “Medicine is a social science Politics is nothing more than medicine in broad sense Best method of medicine is to combine medicine with social life and political activities 医学科学的核心是社会科学 医学是一门社会科学;任何社会都应对居民的健康负责 政治学是广义上的医学 实现医学目标的最好的办法是将医学和社会生活和政治活动结合起来 德国:格罗蒂杨 German A.Grotjahn Put forward theory of social pathology Write : “ social Pathology” suggests that disease should be studied from the standpoint of social view; Is a first person given lecture on social hygiene 提出社会病理学的理论和概念; 社会病理学用社会观点研究人类疾病的原则 首次在柏林大学开设社会卫生学讲座 Germany: Birthplace of social medicine Before WWII Social hygiene Social medicine Later--become social medicine 德国是社会医学的发源地 二战前:使用社会卫生学和社会医学 后改为社会医学 社会医学在各国的发展 Development of Social Medicine in different countries In UK, course of social medicine is offered, social medicine research institute was established in Oxford University Professor John Ryle: all public health, industrial health, social health and medical care belong to social medicine In 1960s, social medicine was changed into community medicine 英国: 40s 开设社会医学, 在牛津大学成立社会医学研究院; 牛津大学赖尔教授:公共卫生、工业卫生、社会卫生服务、公共医疗事业都属于社会医学的范畴; 60s社会医学改成社区医学。 社会医学在美国的发展 In United States Medical sociology and family medicine developed Emphasis on sociology, management and economics Social medicine was included in the course of health management and health policy 医学社会学和家庭医学得到了发展 强调社会学、管理学和经济学 社会医学包含在卫生管理学和卫生政策学的讲座内容中 社会医学在中国的发展 Social medicine in China In 50s, course of Health Care Organization is a compulsory course for medical student,; In 80s, Ministry of Health set up 6 training centre of health administration, social medicine was the main course; 90% of medical college offered course in social medicine. 50年代:《保健组织学》作为医学生的必修课,成立保健组织教研组 80年代:卫生部成立6所卫生管理干部培训中心,社会医学成为主干课程 90%以上的医学院开设了社会医学课程 Preventive medicine Community medicine Medical sociology Health man


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