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Suggested Check-list for Recruitment Examination of Conference Interpreters accuracy completeness the ability to cope with speed input comprehension (linguistic and substantive) general knowledge (substantive) output style, grammar and syntax (linguistics) vocabulary (substantive) delivery (physical) poise and resourcefulness (Mental) General Guidelines failure in any one major category listed above would be sufficient indication that the candidate is not ready for the booth; a candidate with a mark of, say, 50 in Completeness is not going to be seriously considered, regardless of his performance in other respects. However, there are different kinds of inaccuracies of varying degrees of seriousness. --unconventional terminology due to unfamiliarity is rather minor; --inexactitude in nuance is tolerable; --reversal of sense is undoubtedly more serious; --a persistent tendency to fabricate is catastrophic. And if any or all of the above points to a basic weakness in comprehension the case becomes fatal. Examples The world went through sweeping changes. 整个世界的人都在睡觉,都没有觉醒。 I’m often asked the question: “what kind of employees we need in the electronic era?” 有人经常问我这样的问题:“在出现电力故障的时候,我们的雇员应该做什么?” The Internet revolutionized the way our companies are run. For example, E-mail improves our management in an efficient way. The traditional phone contact or face-to-face contact could be easily interrupted. 因特网改变了公司经营的方式,例如,电子邮件大大改善了我们的管理。传统的电话交流或者是面对面的交流不再需要了。 Some new things are spreading fear among the world in the forms of infectious diseases and climate changes. We’re too familiar with the SARs, the bird flu, and the global warming.有些新的灾难以新的形式在世界范围内传播恐惧,如传染病或者是气候的变化。我们对以下的名词太熟悉了,如非典、全球气温变暖等。 Examples 全球对人才的争夺使发展中国家甚至是发达国家付出了昂贵的代价,对中国的压力尤其严峻。The competition of human resources in the world causes the developing countries, even the developed countries to pay much. It imposes great pressure on China, particularly. 在知识经济时代,人才,特别是生物领域和信息技术领域的人才,成为世界各国争夺的对象。In the knowledge-


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