企业风险管理的内部审计研究 (2).docVIP

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企业风险管理的内部审计研究 (2)

学校代码 10125 专业代码 020104 本科毕业论文(设计) Commercial bank credit risk control?of small and medium sized enterprises 姓名 : 刘嘉宁 学号 : 201151070130 班级 : 金融1班 学院 完成时间 : 2015年 月日 Abstract The rapid development of market economy in China, the degree of international economic integration and deepening, effectively promote the positive growth of the survival and development of enterprises in china. Enterprises as the main body of market competition, in the background of the market economy, finance and international standards actively under the environment of market competition, increasingly complex, increasing the uncertainty of production and operation, increase the risk of the business activities. Among similar products, intensified between enterprises, the competition between the industry, how effective avoid and reduce business risk, is an important problem for the survival and development of enterprises. Therefore, actively and effectively strengthen enterprise risk management, establish and perfect the risk management system of enterprise is an important condition to maintain the operation and development of enterprises. The internal audit of enterprise production and management of enterprises especially risk management has an important positive role, is affected by the corporate board of directors, the audit committee and senior management attention and trust. The internal audit is relatively independent, can from the perspective of the enterprise global, clear recognition and evaluation of enterprise risk, become an important factor for enterprises to success. From the literature research role of internal audit in the enterprise risk management has a lot of research results, research results but the practice is rare, so this research the role of internal audit in the enterprise risk management has great theoretical and practical significance. Keywords: enterprise risk management; internal audit; function 目 录 山西财经大学2015届本科生


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