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全程低温精制工艺对油茶籽油主要活性成分的影响 魏 佳1 孙 华1 陈小龙1 裘晓云1 姚陆松1 胡荣斌2 张 红2 沈国新1* (浙江省农业科学院蚕桑研究所1,杭州 310021) (美国德克萨斯理工大学生物系2,德克萨斯州拉巴克 79401) 摘要 油茶(Camellia oleifera Abel)籽油含有多种具有生物活性的功能性营养成分,被誉为“东方橄榄油”。然而,初榨油茶籽油中还含有一些不良物质和浓重的气味,需要通过精炼去除后才能成为高质量的商业产品。由于大部分的生物活性物质是热敏感型化合物,因此精炼温度是影响精炼油茶籽油质量的关键工艺参数。本研究通过适度降低传统的精炼温度,优化组合了一套油茶籽油全程低温精炼工艺。应用结果表明,优化的低温精制工艺不仅能有效地去除油茶籽油中的不良成分、产品质量完全符合国家质量标准(GB11765-2003),而且能最大程度地保留油茶籽油中的活性营养成分。与传统的高温精炼工艺相比,低温精炼油中的甾醇、角鲨烯、维生素E和维生素D3的保留率分别提高了59.2%、54.3%、56.2%和67.8%。 关键词:精炼温度 精炼油质量特性 生物活性成分 油茶籽油 中图分类号:TQ646 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2012683() Effects of low-temperature refining process on the quality profile and bioactive components of Camellia oleifera Abel seed oil Jia Wei1, Hua Sun1, Xiaolong Chen1, Xiaoyun Qiu1, Lusong Yao1, Rongbin Hu2,Hong Zhang2, and Guoxin Shen 1, * Sericultural Research Institute, Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences1, Hangzhou 310021) (Department of Biological Sciences, Texas Tech University2, Lubbock 79409) Abstract Camellia oleifera Abel seed oil contains a variety of functional components such as high levels of bioactive compounds. Its nutritional composition is very similar to those in the best vegetable olive oil, so is even called as “oriental olive oil.” However, C. oleifera Abel seed oil also contains certain undesirable non-glyceride materials and odors, which need to be removed for commercial products. A proper refining temperature would display critical roles to the oil quality in the refining processes because most of the bioactive components are heat sensitive. In present study the inadequacies of the classical refining temperatures have been reduced drastically, and the optimized lower-refining temperatures were used in the refining process for C. oleifera Abel seed oil. Results indicated that the optimized refining process could remove as much the undesirable materials as the classical refining method does, and the quality profiles of the refining product from the optimized refining process meets entirely on the i


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