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The hospitality industry is one of the more sophisticated users of business intelligence software. They operate reward programs and offer special services to loyal customers as a way to optimize revenue. Take the class to to see how they attract customers with reward programs, and what services they offer for loyal customers. Loyalty programs require large investments in database systems and business intelligence software. * This graphic illustrates the process of transforming data into business intelligence. The business intelligence tools do not necessarily find clear-cut answers, but can find patterns and relationships in data that can greatly improve business decisions and offer insight into the business environment. * * This graphic illustrates a data cube composed of three dimensions: actual/projected sales, product, and region. Obviously, the point is to try and understand differences between actual and projected sales by looking at region and product. This is an ideal problem for pivot tables in Excel because two of the variables are categorical (product and region), one is interval. * With terrorism so much in the news, you might ask students how they imagine federal officials use data mining to identify potential or actual terrorists. For instance, if one was looking for terrorists, what kinds of associations, sequences, classifications, and clusters would you look for. * * * * This graphic illustrates the way data is passed from a database through to a user with a Web browser. Ask students to describe what types of data transformation occur between the various appliances; for example, what happens to data between the database and the database server? * Databases are much more than hardware and software. Indeed the most difficult parts involve organizational and people considerations. Sometimes the careers of people, and the fate of entire departments, are involved with the data they collect. When you install a DBMS you potentially are changing wh


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