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Name:张勇 Student ID No.:4140070415 A General Analysis of C-E Translation of Pun in Chinese Ancient Poetry Based on Nida’s Functional Equivalence Theory Instructor: Ms.Yang Hongyan, Lecturer Reviewer: Professor Zuo Niannian Implications: to promote the tanslation of pun in chinese ancient poetry. 2. to show the wonderful part of chinese ancient poetry in the world stage. Research method: cases study Thesis Structure 2 A Brief Introduction to Puns 3 Translatability and Limitations of Translatability in Chinese Ancient Poetry Transferability: 1 Identity of cognitive referent and the principle of isomorphs in different languages 2 Similarities of thinking mode The limitations of translatability: language-related and limitationCulture-related limitation 4 Nida’s Functional Equivalence as the Theoretical Base of the Translation of Puns in Chinese Ancient Poetry 4.2 Methods of puns from C-E in Chinese ancient poetry 1.Translation of double meaning of a pun 水落鱼龙夜,山空鸟鼠秋。(Du fu Poems on Various Subjects on Taizhou) At night Fish and Dragon lay in shallow water; In fall Bird and Rat sat lonely in deep mountains . strategy:Capitalizes the first letter in punning word 4.2 Methods of puns from C-E in Chinese ancient poetry 2. Transltion of the surface meaning of a pun 门前一棵枣, 岁岁不知老。阿婆不嫁女, 那得孙儿抱?( a song about broken willow tress ),(Gu Zhengyang, 2008) Before the gate stands the jujube tree, Year after year, unless you give your daughter away, how can you ever hold a grandson in your arms? Note: Jujube holds the same pronunciation with early strategy:combining the context and adding a note below 4.2 Methods of puns from C-E in Chinese ancient poetry 3.Translation of the underlying meaning of a pun 一夕就郎宿, 通夜语不息。黄柏万里路, 道苦真无极。( reading musical songs) Here lover is by her side ,she kept talking whole night, Complaining her missing and loneness during his long absence strateg


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