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英语毕业论文题目 英语毕业论文选题 一、文学类 1. A Comparative Study of Tao Yuan-Min and William Wordsworth 2. On Characterization of Jane Eyre 3. An Analysis of Jane Eyre 4. Mrs. Browning’s Sonnets from the Portuguese 5. Jane Eyre’s Search for Christianity 6. Comment in the Techniques of Emily Bronte’s Dual Personalities in Wuthering Heights 7. The Realism of the Adventure of Huckleberry Finn 8. Mark Twain and Huck Finn 9. Love Stories in William Cather’s “O Pioneers” 10. Life with Struggle 11. A Character Analysis of the Heroine of Emma 12. Thought of Marriage in Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice” 13. An Analysis of Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven” and “Annabel Lee” 14. An Analysis of the Source of Tess’ Tragedy 15. Heroism in Hemingway’s Works 16. “Beauty is Truth, Truth Beauty” 17. The Light of the Dark:the Greatest Works of Conan and Agatha 18. The Ambiguity in The Scarlet Letter 19. About the Symbolism in The Scarlet Letter 20. On Wuthering Heights 21. Money and Marriage 22. The Literature Characteristics in A Tale of Two Cities 23. Jane Eyre, a Symbol of Feminism 24. Desalination and Optimization 25. The Impact of Money on Marriage in Pride and Prejudice 26. The Dilemma of Marriage 27. On Wordsworth’s View of Nature 28. On the Symbolism of D.H. Lawrence’s “The Rainbow” 29. A Brief Discussion about Tess 30. The Character of Jane Eyre 31. A Challenge to Morality and Convention 32. A Picturesque Nouel, Tess of the D’Urbervilles 33. Simple Analysis on Milton and Paradise Lost 34. How the Brontes Become World Famous Writers 35. The Humanity Hidden Behind Nature 36. Analysis of Characters of Don Quxiote 37. Analysis of the Characters in Jane Eyre 38. The Character Analysis of Pride and Prejudice 39. On the Author and the Major Characters of The Pearl 40. Three Structures in Pride and Prejudice 41. Revelation in Fore Couples of Pride and Prejudice 42. The Brief Analysis of Shakespeare’s Tragedy Tradition 43. The Versification of English Poetry and Metrical 44. Contrast Between Chinese


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