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中小企业融资问题研究摘 要 I Abstract II 1. Introduction 1 1.1 The background of the research 1 1.2 The significance of the research 1 2. The issues of the the financing of small and medium enterprises 2 2.1 The current situation of small and medium enterprises 2 2.1.1 The principal reasons of this situation 2 2.1.2 The effective financing methods 2 2.2 The obstruction of critical factor 3 2.2.1 The effective way to overcome the critical factor 4 2. Investigation 6 3.1 The purpose, target and content of the research 6 3.2 The analysis of the financial of small and medium enterprises 6 3.2.1 The analysis of studying critical methods 6 3.3.2 The issues of the research result 6 4. The suggestions of the financial of small and medium enterprises 9 4.1 The ways of the financing 9 4.2 The effective methods of the fnancing 9 3. Conclusion 12 References 13 摘 要 中小企业存在的合理性和在经济中的重要作用,决定了必须重视中小企业的生存与发展。由于中小企业自身的特点,即规模小,可控资源更为稀缺,又往往处于快速发展阶段,需要大量的资金的投入。目前我国正处于社会主义初级阶段,同时处于社会转型期和经济发展的关键时期。中小企业对于增加就业,扩大税收,提高人民的积极性有着重要的作用。因此,中小企业的生存与发展,融资是其关键因素之一,然而目前中小企业融资的状况并不十分理想,如何结合中小企业的特点快速融资本文主要研究的问题。 关键词:中小企业融资;重要性;关键因素;解决方法 Abstract SMEs in a countrys economic and social development which plays an important role in economic development and social stability of the important conditon in the actual work of financing constraints SME development has become the main obstacle.In this paper, the status of financing for SMEs, the SME financing analysis factors. SME credit culture that loss, financial management confusion, poor economic returns, lack of credit guarantees, domestic financial industry and the integration of its own loans in the current austerity is the main obstacle to SME financing. Proposed solutions should focus on the current development of small and medium banks, establishing a sound credit guarantee system problems to a fundamental breakthrough in getting loans for SMEs bottlenecks contradictions. At the same time, from the perspective of building their own enterprises make



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